Sunday, February 27, 2011

Food rules

Rick calls them Sharon's food rules....I pretty much drive him nuts with all of my food quirks. For example  I hate raisins, can't stand to have them in cookies or any baked good, I would never even think about eating them plain! If I find them in anything I have to pick them out or I cannot eat it.  But I love chocolate covered raisins. I know makes no since but that is the way it is. Then there is bananas....they must be the perfect banana or I cannot eat it. They have to be just the right ripeness. I cannot even watch someone eat a banana that is over ripe, it makes me want to vomit, the smell of an  over ripe banana is even worse. Mushrooms are another one of those foods that make we want to gag every time I see one on my plate. They are just gross. Of course it is okay to use cream of mushroom soup in hotdishes as long as the mushrooms in it are very, very small. I don't like my food to touch the other food on my plate and all meat must be cut into very small pieces before I can eat it. All apples, pears, watermelon etc. must be cut into pieces before I can eat it, I hate to bite into fruit. I also always eat things like cupcakes with a fork, it is just neater. Who likes to take a bite of something and have food all over your lips and teeth, gross! And who puts butter on sandwiches! Rick is always putting butter on things like jelly toast and ham sandwiches. Rick says I have so many food and cooking rules that he cannot keep them straight. I say I just know what is good!
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Christa said...

you must have passed all of your food rules on to me because I go by all of those too, expect I like raisins, but only if they aren't sour ones! And you have to cut your food small otherwise you will choke on it, duh, Jese forgets that rule all the time!!!