Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday Monday

I had to work all weekend so no holiday for me! Carleton does not count Memorial Day as a holiday. It is business as usual, if you want the day off you have to use a vacation day. Of course a lot of the staff take the day off so it is pretty quiet up here. Other then work I have not been up to much. Yesterday we had a graduation party to go to. After the party we come home and watched the movie The Road. It was good, but very dark. Since I had read the book early this year I knew it would be. It is one of those books/movie that makes you think what would I do. It is so nice out today. Rick is not working so he is off on a long bike ride this morning. I have been researching bike trail in MN and trying to finger out when we can go on a biking trip. Moving is really messing with our summer plans. But that is okay since I will have new house :) There is a nice bike trail up by Diane's house so since we will be there in Aug. I think we will take our bikes and go on it one of the days. Also looking at the end of Sept. to go on another biking trip. By that time the house should be in pretty good shape.
Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day, and remember to take a moment to remember what the day is all about....
Later Sharon

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