Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bad News

So we had the house we have the purchase agreement on inspected on Tue. Well we did not have good news. We of course expected a few things because the house has not been updated in 30 years other then new windows, siding and shingled . What we did not expect is the beams/rafters in the garage are cracked which is causing the garage roof to start to sage. Also when they re-shingled they put the shingles on wrong causing them all to crack. We had contractors come out and look at it and they said the only way to fix the beams is to take off the garage roof and replace them. The cost for that and re-shingling the whole roof is $15,000. So needless to say we went back to the home owners and said either lower the price by $15,000 or the deal is off. I am guessing they are not going to go for it. They are screwed either way because now that they know about it they have to disclose it to anyone who buys the house. We have not heard back from them yet but I do not have my hopes up. I am so disappointed about the whole thing. When we were at the house for the inspection we were getting all excited talking and making plans about what we were going to do. We even had a contractor out to give us a bid on new kitchen cabinets. Now it is all up in the air again. Stupid rafters!!!!!
I will keep up all updated on the house drama
Later Sharon

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