Monday, May 10, 2010

oh no!!!!!

Oh no it has happened again! Yesterday afternoon I broke another tooth. It is another one of my back teeth that was full of fillings. I am guessing it means I am going to need one more crown. I am blaming it all on Ricks brother Randy. We were having lunch yesterday with them and Ricks mom when Randy started talking about how his tooth broke off and he had to have a crown put on it. He should have known that I am cursed and just talking about it cursed me. So not even two hours later my tooth broke. Yes it must be his fault and nothing to do with me having bad teeth.
We did a lot of running yesterday. First we went to Albert Lee for lunch with the Rugrodens. Then we came back to Waseca and picked up Dexter and went to Faribo to my mom and dads for a visit. Then it was back to Waseca to drop Dexter off. Then we went to New Richland and went to a wake, and then finally back to Waseca for the night. I put 160 miles on my car yesterday. It was a long day.
We gave the people who own the house we are trying to buy until the end of today to give us an answer. We just want to know if we are getting it or if we need to move on. They have had a week that is long enough. So tomorrow I should be able to tell you if we are new house owners or if we are staying here.
I was going to go for a run this morning but it is really windy. So I think I will go lift instead. This afternoon I am going up to Savage to go house hunting with Cassie. We are looking at 5 houses. Sure hope she has better luck then me!
I guess I better go call the dentist.

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