Thursday, May 27, 2010

Look What I Can Do Nana!!!

Every since Liam had been little I have been trying to get him to roll his tongue. Well yesterday he came running into the kitchen and said "look what I can do Nana." He was so proud of himself.
We got good news yesterday. The people who bought our house said we can stay in it until July 2. So now we will not have to be homeless for 2 weeks. I have been busy packing on my days off. Liam of course was a big help yesterday with the packing. When I told him we were moving to a new house he asked me if I was going to let Rick come to. It was pretty funny. When he got here yesterday morning he kept telling Rick he had to stay home and be with us. When Rick told him he had to go to work Liam got all sad and told me Nana, Rick has to work and cannot stay home with you. I am pretty sure Liam would much rather spend his day with Rick then me.
Cassie came for a visit yesterday. After Amy got here to pick up the kids we all went down to Barneys for supper. When we were done eating we took Liam and Josie to the park and played for awhile. We even had Dexter going down the slides. I am not sure if he liked it very much!
I ran 5 miles on Tue. morning and then Tue. afternoon went for a 18 mile bike ride with Rick. We just got back to the house from biking when it started to downpour. I sure was glad we made it back before it started. It rained for along time. I also ran 5 miles today. I ran it in 40 minutes both days. I am finally starting to feel better when I run. To bad I have less then a month to get ready for Grandma's half-marathon.
I am off to get my hair colored and cut this afternoon then it is back to packing.
Later Sharon Posted by Picasa

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