Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Remember, but do not worship, the past; live for, but not only for, the present, and prepare for, but do not panic over, the future." -Daniel Seltzer
Last night Rick and I went down to the club to shoot a little while. He did very good shooting a perfect Vegas game! He should be ready to go when we go to Vegas in 13 days. I did not keep score last night but was shooting well. Tonight we have league in Farbo. I always hate the thought of going out at night but once I get there I have lots of fun. I would really miss seeing everyone if I did not shoot in Faribo. What I don't like about shooting there is every night at league we have to take a at least a 15 minute break at the halfway point. I hate it for a couple of reasons. One is that I get up very early for work and by the time we get done shooting and I get home it is usually 9:30-10:00. It takes us almost 2 hours to shoot one game in Faribo vs one hour or a little over an hour in Waseca. We do not take a break at the halfway point in Waseca and we still have plenty of time to socialize with everyone before, during and after we shoot. The other reason I hate taking a break is because we are all warmed up and shooting good and then we have to stop for a break. Then when we start up again it is like starting over again and we get no practice ends like we do in the beginning. Oh well I guess it does not matter what I think.
Today I don't have a whole lot to do on my last day off. I went tanning this morning. After that I went to Walmart and spent $130. We were out of everything. Dexter is being a bad dog today. He is barking a lot. There was another dog barking outside so he kept wanting to go out and then he would start barking. I hate that, I always make him come in if he starts barking. Well then when he came it he thought he should bark at me because he wanted to go out. Dumb dog!
It is back to work for me in the morning. Is sure hope the roads are not bad.
Have a happy Thursday
Later Sharon Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

manybows said...

Looks like I have a new league manager for next year!! Thanks for volunteering!!!