Friday, October 17, 2008

"Church isn't where you meet. Church isn't a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let's not go to church, let's be the church." -Bridget Willard

So yesterday I was talking to my mom and she told me that the church was have a mass for a friend of hers that had died a few years back. And then she told me you have to pay the church for them to say mass. I was outraged. You have to pay the church to pray for your loved one who you have lost. It is just unbelievable to me. How can the Catholic church justify a practice like this. It is a mass that they are already giving and they only say the name of the person once, saying something like we pray for so and so. It is a no wonder that people are leaving the Catholic church. I grew up Catholic going to Catholic school for 6 years and went to church every Sunday and most holy days. I bought into it all. But as I got older I began to realise that it is just a bunch of money, power hungry people that run the church. They really do not care about the people they are suppose to be helping. I really have a big problem with a lot of the things the Catholic church tells me I should believe. The pro-life bullshit is a big one. Then there is all the no sex before marriage and no birth control all they while the priest are having sex's with everyone, including children while the whole time saying they are doing Gods work. I could go on and on and on. I have such a hard time with not only the Catholic church but with organize religion itself. Why do you need to go sit a building to pray. Who says you are going to go to hell if you do not go to church every Sunday and do not donate money to the church. Why is it you can not just talk to God on your own. This is not say I hate all churches. I believe that there is some good ones out there that do a lot of good and have good honest people that do there best to help those in need. But do we really need someone to tell us how and when we should pray. I think all of us need to find in our own way how and when we need or want to talk to God. I think he helps people when they need it most.
Ok I am done with my rant now. I will get off my soap box! Yesterday I signed Rick and I up to shoot the Pro-Am in IA in Jan. You do in on the computer, I did both of us because then you can shoot close to each other. Well when they posted our times and bail on there web site they put Rick down as Rick Wadekamper. It was pretty funny. They finally got it changed this morning.
Tonight I am going hunting and then I am spending the rest of the weekend with Christa. It is her birthday weekend. Well really her birthday is not until Tue. but since she will be in Winona we will celebrate this weekend. I will take lots of pictures and tell you all about in on Monday. So with that I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy it!
Later Sharon


Amy said...

with all your ranting i thought i was reading christa's blog for a minute:)hehehe

Christa said...

amen sister!!