Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Challenge Life.....before it challenges you."

It has been a busy few days. Sunday I went to Mankato shopping. Well really I mostly just went looking. I only bought a cycling jersey and got some free underwear from Victoria Secret. I was going to go hunting on Sunday night but it was way to windy. Monday I babysat Liam. Between Liam and Harper I was wore out by the end of the day. Yesterday I worked and then I helped clean up a mile of the 35W with the FAC. It went pretty fast because in the fall the grass is to high to really see the garbage. So I did not get home until 7:30 last night. It was a long day. Today I am all stuffy, Liam had a cold when I watched him on Monday so I am sure I will get it now too. Hope I do not get sick like I did last year. I am pretty sure I was close to dieing last year. Last night I was talking to Steve Wuger at FAC and he told me he had ITBS in his leg years ago. I asked him what he did to make it better and he said he did not run or bike for a YEAR. I am pretty sure I am not going a whole year with out doing anything! A YEAR.....give me a break. Harper and Charlie are getting along better now. Charlie was pretty pissed at me for a couple of days. She would not stay in the same room as me if Harper was around. Now she actually will stay in the same room and does not hiss at Harper every time she walks by. This morning they even stayed by each other while I was getting ready for work. I am sure within a couple of day they will be sleeping together. If for no other reason then to keep each other warm. It is cold in my house and I am refusing to turn the heat on yet! I am leaving work today an hour early to go hunting. It should be a good night for it. I guess I better get to work.
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Amy said...

i told you that you would get sick!!!