Sunday, June 8, 2008


What it will look like when it is done.

The top picture is a picture of the one part of my 12096 piece puzzle that I have done. The puzzle comes in three bags of 4032 pieces. I did the first part about 7 years ago. It took one year to do it. I was going to move right on to the next piece but then I got involved in archery and started running and have never had time to work on it again. So I figured since I will probably not get to it anytime soon I might as well look at the part I have done. It has been sitting under a bed on cardboard since it was done and has survived 3 moves without getting broken. I was pretty nervous about every move! I'm pretty sure I would have cried if it had been broken. I can not glue it together until all the pieces are done. So I had a frame made and it is now on my bedroom wall. The puzzle is "Michelangelo-The creation of Adam." It is part of the painting in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. I am not sure what made me think I needed to do a 12000 piece puzzle but I just had to have it. Now that part one is out there to look at I am getting the itch to work on it again.

I have not done much else the last few days. I babysat Liam on Fri. We had a good day. He still will not say Nana. I had to work this weekend. On Sat. after work I went to the Bushey graduation party. Then after that I went to Amy's house with Rick so we could help her move her living room furniture around. She wanted it done before Adam got home. I did not get home until 8:00. Makes for a long day when I leave home at 5:00 A.M. On Sunday when I got to work it was poring rain. So I got to open all the buildings in the rain. That was no fun. Today it is so nice out. I cannot wait to get home so I can go run.

Back to work

Later Sharon

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Amy said...

thank you for helping me!!!

Sharon said...

Your welcome. I am looking forward to my carrot cake!!!!