Thursday, May 24, 2012

Growing up so fast!

Today was Liam's preschool graduation. He is growing up so fast! He was super cute singing at the program. During the program between songs Liam announced to everyone that he guesses his Grandpa Rick got to come. It was so cute. We did not tell Liam he was coming because he was not sure he could make it until today. Rick said it was worth coming just to hear Liam say that :) Liam loves his Grandpa Rick!

It has been so windy the last few days and there has been so much dirt in the air and I think it all ended up in my house. I was so happy that it finally rained last night, it was so dry out. Today I spent all morning cleaning. There was so much dust and dirt in the house. It looked like I had not cleaned in months and months. Everything felt so gross. I am very happy to say that the house looks much better now.

I am happy for the rain but also dreading the mosquitos that I know are going to be coming any day now. It has been so nice to be able to spend so much time outside and not get ate alive. I guess that is the price we pay for living next to a swamp. Dexter does not like the rain, well mostly he does not like the thunder. He cries and barks the whole time it thunders. His little heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to burst.

I went for a 25 mile bike ride on Monday and then lifted on Wed. I wanted to run today but it has been raining pretty much the whole day. I should be able to run tomorrow since it is suppose to be nice out.

Hope everyone has a nice three day weekend. I will be at work slaving away :)

Later Sharon

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