Thursday, April 26, 2012

The End Of The World

I have been reading way to many end of the world books and watching way to many end of the world movies and TV shows. I am starting to get paranoid. I look around our house and I think about how little food and water we have. We would not have enough to last us more then a week or two.  After the last book I read I went and bought some water just in case :) I know it is silly but I just keep thinking even if we lost power for a couple of days we would not have enough water to last us a day. Of course the books all have different themes on how the world comes to a end and how the few survive. So then I start thinking about what I would do to survive and if I could save my family. Just think about how everything we do is so computer based now. If the computers/internet crashed pretty much the whole world would come to a stop. Then you start to think about the panic people would be in and the looting etc that would start. Of course I would like to think that I would be a good person and do what is right but when you are fighting for your life who knows what you would do.  I know totally paranoid!!!! I think it is time for me to change the theme of the books I am reading!

Later Sharon


Christawr said...

I just hope the man eating wolves don't come after us!

Sharon said...

Hope they don't too!