Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Sometimes you meet someone and you know that your life will be different from then on." -from the book Pure by Julianna Baggott

The other day while listening to My Talk   they were talking about what is the activity that you never wanted to do but did it anyhow because your partner wanted you to and now you love it. I thought it was really interesting and fun to hear all the things people have completely changed there mind about.
So it got me thinking about the activities I thought I never wanted to do and ended up loving. The first thing that came to mind was biking. I never hated biking but I look at it as just something to do when I could not run. Rick has always loved to bike and was always after me to go on bike rides. So I did because I knew he wanted me too. Then it got to be where I wanted to go and started planing trips around biking. Then I had to up grade to a better bike and then I had to get two bikes so I had a bike for different kind of biking. Now I totally love biking. It will never replace running but I love the fact that Rick and I do it together and both have fun doing it.
I also asked Rick what was something he thought he would not like but now loves it because of me. He immediately said traveling and camping. He never traveled much and always thought he would hate road trips. I on the other hand love road trips. Half of the fun for me going on vacation is getting there. There is so much to see and take in just getting to where we are going. After much pushing I talked Rick into buying a pop up camper and taking it on several trips. I also finally talked him into driving to Vegas this year. He was not very excited about driving all that way but he ended up loving it. He said he is so glad that I have pushed him into traveling more. We have discovered that we travel well together and both love it now.
So I guess what I am saying is try new things, don't just say you don't like it and never give it a try. You never know what might learn to love. 

On to a new subject. I was reading the Star Tribune today and came across this article I posted it on Facebook but then I decided to take it down because I always hate it when people but up political stuff  and try not to do it myself.  As much as I am totally disgusted by the legislature I decided that Facebook is not the place for it but my blog is :) It just makes me sick that the legislature is always trying to take women's rights away. When are they ever going to stop! Enough the article.....

Later Sharon

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