Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Another Archery Season Done.....

 Rick durning the shoot off for 3rd place in the money freestyle class
 Rick after getting second place in the money bowhunters class
 Hannah and myself
 Hannah after winning the adult female freestyle calls with a 300 59X
 Rick after getting 4th place in the money freestyle class after a shoot off
 Views of Lake Bemidji

Well the indoor archery season is done. Last weekend was the MSAA State 300 shoot. We had a great group of Waseca shooters that went and several people good awards. The most exciting was Hannah. It was her first year shooting as an adult and she did a unbelievable good job. She shot her personal best score, 300 59X and not only that no other women has ever shot that good in either the flights or the pro class in the MSAA. I was so excited for her and proud of her! Rick also did great getting 3rd in the bowhunters class. He has not shot bowhunter in years and years so he did great. He also did good in the freestyle class getting 4th after a shoot off. He won enough money to almost pay for all of our entry fees.

We had a great time up in Bemidji. The weather was great and seeing all our archery friends again was great. We also met Diane and Rod for supper on Saturday night. They took us to a really good Mexican restaurant and I may have drank just a little to much. I was so hungry and thirsty that we got there I downed my first margarita pretty fast so I had to get another one. Since I hardly ever drink it went right to my head. Good thing the food was so good and it soaked up all the liquor!

Sunday we did not leave Bemidji until almost 6:00 so we did not get home until 10:30. I sure was glad that I took Monday off of work.

Tuesday I had to go back to work. But don't worry I am now on my three days off so I only had to work one day :)

Today I went for a 4.5 mile run. It went okay except for the fact that I could not breath. Stupid asthma. I even used my inhaler before I ran. I am still have a little trouble breathing :(

Hopefully we get our bikes out this week. It is time to get back in biking shape.

Later Sharon

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