Monday, November 29, 2010


Tonight the neighbor came over to tell us that there 50 pound basset hound was attack by what they think was a coyote. What is really scary is it happened at 12:00 in the afternoon on Sat. She said she heard it yelping so she ran out and the dog was covered in blood. The poor thing is doing okay but is scared to go outside now. Also last night something, most likely  a coyote, dragged a deer carcass right next to there front door. Pretty scary that it would attack in the middle of the day. Now I am scared to let Dexter outside by himself. I am pretty sure if a coyote wanted Dexter he would not stand a chance, he is only 17 pounds. We have also been finding a lot of animal bones in the yard, mostly rabbits. The neighbor is going to call the city to see it they will set traps for what ever it is.
Rick worked so hard this weekend and got lots done in the house. He got the living room, dinning room and entryway all painted. He also got two of the new lights put up. Everything is really looking nice. Right now he is putting trim on the living room windows. I pulled staples out of the dining room and hallway floor on Sat. until I got blisters on my hands. Thank god I have finally got them all out. We should be able to start putting down the floor on Wed.
I have got a cold. I started getting sick this weekend and today it is really bad. I left work at 1:00 and came home and slept until 4:00. I got up and cleaned up some of the construction mess and ate supper and now I am ready for bed again. I sure hope this is a fast moving cold because I have my annual Mall of America trip with the girls this weekend.
I think I am going to go to bed even if it is only 8:00

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