Friday, November 12, 2010

Learning something new

Cassie came over the other day and she decided that she should learn how to walk on Ricks stilts. She did pretty good, she even managed to walk all the way across the room. As you can see by the pictures we have started the work on the living room and dinning room. We got the ceilings all scraped and the last of the wallpaper off above the stairway. We also took the carpet out of the dinning area. We still have to take it out of the leaving room. We are still deciding on how to paint everything. Cassie had some ideas on what we should do. We have so much paint now that I am pretty sure we can paint every room in the house twice.
Rick and I got all the yard work done on Tuesday afternoon. I raked and raked and raked up leaves. I guess having 20 oak trees in your yard means you will have millions of leaves on the ground. Next year we need to stay on top of cutting them up as they fall. I also got my tulips planted. Good thing I wore my brace on my wrist all day because even with it my wrist was sore. It is getting better everyday but it is still swelled up. It is a good thing I have to work today so that I can give it a rest.

Yesterday I baked some pumpkins up and froze it. Now I have enough pumpkin to make several pies and more for bars and bread. The house smelled good while they were cooking. Rick and I went for a run yesterday. We have to get ready to run the Thanksgiving day race. This year we are running in Faribo. It will be Ricks first Thanksgiving day race. Cassie, Amy and my Dad are going to run it too. It should be lots of fun. Of course I am so out of shape I am sure my time will be very slow!
Today at work we have a meeting at 4:00. Since I usually get off work at 4:00 I am not looking forward to it. I sure hope it does not go to long. I hate coming to work in the dark and going home in the dark. I had a deer standing in the middle of the road this morning on my way to work. Then when I got to work I had to go pick up a student from the hospital and I had a coyote run in front of the car. Good thing I was paying attention and did not hit either of them.
I sure hope we do not get a lot of snow tonight since I have to work in the morning.
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Amy said...

i hope we get 3 feet of snow:)