Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oh they look so young......

So in packing we found Ricks very old computer that has been sitting on shelf for years. I hooked it up and got it running and got the 1056 pictures he had on it transferred to a zip drive. It is funny to look at them. The 3 on top are of Christa and Jese when they were around 17 years old. They both look so young.
Today I have had a busy day. I had to be at the dentist at 7:30 to have my crown put on. Then I went to Walmart and was back home by 8:30. I took Dexter for a walk before the rain came. We just made it back to the house before it started. After that I went down in the basement and got the last of it packed up. We are going to put it in a covered trailer this weekend. I hope we can get it all in. When I was done packing downstairs I did not feel like packing any more so I paid the bills and then I made cookies. Now we are going to to watch a movie. Babysitting tomorrow!
Later SharonPosted by Picasa

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