Monday, June 21, 2010


I finished another half-marathon!!! Christa and I went up to Duluth on Thur. afternoon with the camper and truck. I have never pulled a camper that far by myself before and never had to back one into to a campsite before. So we were very proud of ourselves that we did it and got it all set up with no help. After we got everything set up we went into Duluth to the expo and picked up our race bags. Cassie and Amy got to Duluth around 9:00.
Friday we met up with Cassie and Nicks friends Tanya and Chris. Tanya ran the race with us. It was her first half-marathon. We spent the day at the expo and walking around Duluth. We also went to a very good restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon Nick and Jese made it up. We went back to the expo for spaghetti dinner. After that we all went to bed for an early night.
Sat morning at 4:00 we were up and getting ready. Cassie and Jese brought us down to the bus and we were off to the start of the race. The weather was pretty good. It was around 60 at the start of the race and around 68 by the end. It was a little humid and cloudy most of the race. It was pretty windy until we got into town, but even then we got some good wind gust that slowed us down. I was really happy with the race. I managed to run it without injuring myself. I ran it in 2:07:59. I came in 2911 out of 5828 finishers, 1286 out of 3308 female finishers and 89 out of 225 females finishers age 45-49. I could not be happier with my time and how the race went. I felt so good when it was done. I said before I ran this one that it would be my last but I am taking that back! I am for sure going to have to run another one next year. Christa ran really good this year. She beat her time from last year by 4 min. she came in at 2:54.
After the race we all went back to the campsite and Jese and Nick made us some lunch. Then we went back into Duluth and went to the after race party. It was lots of fun. Christa, Cassie and I even went dancing! After that we went to Grandma's restaurant and had some supper. We were all pretty tired by then so we went back and had a campfire.
Sunday we get up by 8:00 and packed up and were on our way back home by 9:00.
It was a great weekend and a great race!
Later Sharon
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