Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sick Day

I got it....the cold that everyone else has got. It has been making it rounds in the office and now it made it to me. It was not to bad until today. My noise keeps running and running. I am going to leave work early.
Last week when I was watching Liam and Josie for a couple of hours Liam brought with him a toy he got from McDonald's. Well when Amy came to pick them up I saw that Liam forgot his toy. So I ran to get it before she pulled out of the driveway and tripped on another toy. I twisted my ankle so bad that I could not get up. That is what I get for trying to be nice. My ankle was a little swelled up and hurt like crazy the rest of the day. I twisted it good!
Lets see what else have I been up to.....I voted yesterday. They had a school bond vote in Waseca. I voted no. I just don't see how they think people can afford to pay any more on there house taxes. So many people have lost jobs in Waseca and can hardly get by now. So even $25. a month more on there house payments is to much. Sometimes you have given all you can give and you just have to say no. It sucks but everyone has to make cuts even the schools. It is the first time I have ever voted no on a school bond issue. I actually feel bad about it but times are bad for way to many people.
I have to watch Amy's kids tonight and all day Thur. Not sure how that is going to go since I feel like crap. Hope they don't get it from me.
That's it for the day, I think I will go home and hit the couch.
Later Sharon

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