Thursday, November 12, 2009

life without a gallbladder

So I am finding out that life without a gallbladder is no fun. I found out that I cannot eat cheese! I know it is tragic. I had 3 cheese mac and cheese on Sunday night and spent all Sunday night and Monday morning feeling like crap. I guess I cannot digest it anymore, just like red meat. I don't really eat much real cheese, I eat soy cheese. But it sucks that I cannot eat real cheese when I want to. I know you all feel really sorry for me!
Yesterday I was crabby. I don't know why I just was. I woke up for work and just was in a bad mood.
Sunday I did not have to babysit so Rick and I went shopping. I needed to get out of the house since I had not left it since Wed. morning. We finally found a couch that we both like. It will be here on the 18th. It is a brown leather couch that hopefully will match the brown leather chair we already have. It should be pretty close.
Tue. night we had our first night of fall league at the WAC. I did not keep score so now I have to go down sometime this week and make up my score. I actually shot pretty good. I have hopes for a good year.
Lets hope for a less crabby day today!
Later Sharon

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