Wednesday, November 25, 2009

OH NO!!!!!

Lets start with Saturday..... So Amy stopped over to get something from my house and while she was there I was trying to fix my hair. Well you should never talk and have a curling iron in your hand at the same time. I got a nice burn on my forehead. It looks pretty sweet. Saturday afternoon we went to Randy and Karen's wedding. Christa came with us. We had a good time.

Sunday we went to Christa and Jese's house so Rick could help them put in a new floor in there basement. I also brought Dexter up so he could have a puppy play date with Kipper. I took a cute picture of them but I did not get it downloaded to my computer so you do not get to see it. Kipper does not like it because Dexter is the only dog he cannot bully. Christa made us a great chicken supper for all of our help. Oh I am happy to say that the church voted to keep it's self with the ELCA. There was only 24% of the people that wanted to leave. Good job people of Grace Lutheran Church!
Monday....well I had lots of big plans on Monday. The day started out good. I got a good lifting workout in. Then I started to clean and get stuff ready for Thanksgiving. We had gotten a wreath from the boyscout so I decided I would put in on the door. Well I got it up and then went to go back in the house and it was locked! I could not believe it. We never lock the door handle only the bolt lock on top. I checked all the other doors and windows and they were locked too. I did not have my phone and had no coat on and Dexter was out with me. So after 10 minutes of trying to get in I decided to walk the mile to Amy's house. When I got there she told me she was the one who locked the door on Sat. I pretty much wanted to kill her at that point. Of course no one has a key to the house but Jese and he was not around. I called Rick and he gave me the okay to break the window to the side garage door. He was out of town working so he could not let me in. So I walked the mile back home. When I got there I found that Rick had called the a guy from the archery club that use to be a lock smith and he said he could pick the lock and get me in. Well 45 minutes later he gave up. We broke the window. I should have just done it to begin with.
Monday night Amy brought the kids over for me to babysit. They both went right to bed for me. Liam talked in his sleep all night. It was pretty funny.
Tuesday I was busy all day cleaning and cooking and getting stuff ready for Thanksgiving. Then last night we went down to the range to shoot. It is going better for me now. I am almost ready to move back to 20 yards.
Today it is back to work. I left a list of stuff that still has to be done today. Rick has already started on it this morning. He is going to have an early day at work so he will be able to get a lot done before I get home from work.
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!!!
Later Sharon

1 comment:

Amy said...

it wasn't MY fault that i was just trying to keep your house safe by locking it up!!!