Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Queen Charlie

Charlie got shaved today!!! She would not let me take a very good picture of her, she wanted to be petted. I will try and get a better picture of her later. She weights 13lbs 20oz. She is way to fat. You can see her fat hanging down now that she has no fir

I have been a busy bee the last couple of days. Yesterday I ran 10 miles for the very first time in my life! I ran it in 1 hour 27 minutes. That is a 8:45 pace. I walked for 1 1/2 block at the 5 mile mark and then ran the rest. I was pretty happy with my time and the fact that I could run 10 miles. I am really getting excited for the 1/2 marathon. It is only one month away. My goal is to run it in around 2 hours.

Today I have been a cleaning mad women. I have cleaned and cleaned. I even got all my clothes washed and washed a bunch of blankets and hung them on clothes line to dry. I also called hickory tech today and had my home phone turned off. I never use it or even give anyone the phone number. So I figured I would shut it off and save myself around $20.00 every month.

Well I better go. Rick is here working on the bedroom. I hope to be painting this weekend!
Later Sharon
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Christa said...

hahahaha!! that is the ugliest cat i have ever seen in my life!!

Amy said...

that is sooooo funny, it looks like you put her head on another cats body!!!!!!!!! good job running!!!!