Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Learning the joys of ice cream......

                  Aunty Cassie teaching Oliver what ice cream is
                                                    I think he likes it!
 This is what happens when you give ice cream to a almost one year old....I huge sugar rush!
On Sunday Cassie called and said that her and Nick were coming down to Waseca to pick up my old blackberry phone for Nick. Since they were coming down I called up Christa and asked if they wanted to come down too for lunch. I made shish kabobs and Rick grilled them. They were delsih. We were all stuffed but not stuffed enough that we could not have some ice cream. Cassie decided that Oliver should have some and he loved it. He ate a bunch of it and then he was on a huge sugar high. It was pretty funny, he was doing a lot of giggling. It was a fun afternoon visiting with them all.

After they left Rick and I went to Owatonna to pick up a couple things at Lowes and Fleet Farm. By the time we got back to town it was after 6:00 so we decided that popcorn would make a good supper. We started watching the Sons Of Anarchy and are totally hooked on it. We have been staying up way to late at night watching it. Good thing we have to wait until Thursday to get the next DVD from Netflix.

Monday I thought it would be a good idea to go for a run. Maybe not my smartest thought since the heat index at the time was 93 or so. I did manage to run just over 3 miles but it was tuff. And yes I did bring gatorade with me to drink. I wanted to run because on the 4th we are running the 5 mile race around Clear Lake. I do it every year if I am not working. Since I missed it last year I would really like to do it this year. Since it is suppose to get up to 100 tomorrow I figure it is going to be  a run/walk for me.

Wish me luck on the race, I am going to need it.......

Later Sharon

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