Monday, July 16, 2012

The characters we hate to love.......

So I admit it I am totally hooked on the TV show Sons of Anarchy. Amy and Christa have been after me to watch if for awhile so I finally decided to give it a try and ordered it up on Netflx. In the last month Rick and I have watched three seasons of it and have just started season four. We should be finished with it just in time for season five to start up in September.
If you are not familiar with it the show is about a biker club in California that makes there money running guns. Now I started watching the show thinking I would hate most of the characters because they are all a bunch of criminals and go around killing people. But pretty soon I found myself rooting for them. They are still killing people every other day and still running guns but you end up hoping they get away with it. The more you watch the more you get involved in there characters and the more you want them to come out on top.
I guess the writer of the show know what they are doing because they totally make you love most of the characters when you know you should be hating them.....

 So in these hot hot days and you are stuck in the house because it is just to hot to do anything sit down and watch a couple episodes of it. I can almost guaranty that you will be hooked.

On to another subject.... The stupid chipmunks are digging out all of my flowers!!!!! Yesterday I came home from work and went to water my plants and found that all most all of the flowers I had planted in these pots were dug up and dead!
 I was so mad! This picture was taken right after I planted them so they had grown a lot and were all hanging over the pots and were looking really nice. The stupid chipmunks also dug out one of my pepper plants and where up on my deck and dug out a plant up there too! It is time for war on the chipmunks!!!!!!!

Later Sharon

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