Tuesday, August 9, 2011

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

Josie showing us how she can float 

Great Grandma Becker and Eli 

What are campsite looked like before the rain 

This is what it looked like after almost 3 inches of rain. Notice the rug that is now buried under a inch of mud 

Great Grandpa hanging with the boys 

Josie after Cassie put makeup on her

View of the lake
We had a great vacation and it was really hard to come back home. We went up to Diane and Rod's house along with almost all of the Becker family.  Only Christa, Jese and Beth could not make it. It was really fun to get together with everyone. We got up to Diane's about 3:30 on Thru. Jennie was already there but was having a little trouble getting her camper backed in so Rick helped her out. Then we helped her get her camper set up and then moved on to ours. Finally we got Cassie and Nick's tent set up for them since they would not get there until after dark. After all of that was done we made ourself some supper and then Rick and I took the paddle boat out and jumped off it into the lake. Then we spent the rest of the night hanging  out by the campfire visiting and waiting for everyone to arrive. Amy and Adam were the last to get there not pulling in until after 11:00.
Friday started out to be a great day. The sun was shinning and it was warm out. Amy, Rick and I went for a 4 mile run/walk. After that we all go on our swimming suits and headed out to the lake. We all had lots of fun floating around. Mitch took some who every wanted to tubbing. Josie loves the water and spent time with Cassie and I floating with us. She was nice enough to pee on me when she was on my floaty. Liam who has always been afraid of the water did not want to go very far out. But when Adam told him he could either go in with Josie for rest time or stay with me he picked me. I told him I was going out deep and he said ok. So we started out close to shore and made our way out. He did really good and did not even get scared. I was glad he trusted me enough for his first trip out to the deep water. Of course both him and Josie always had there life jackets on. After lunch the skies started to look dark. It started out as a light rain and then it pored! We go almost 3 inches of rain. We had our camper at the bottom of the hill and all the rain made a mud river that went right under our camper. It covered the rug I had out with a inch of mud. It was so gross. While it was raining Cassie, Nick, Amy and Rick played a card game while I took care of Josie and Eli. Adam took Liam up to Diane's house to watch a movie with the Slinger boys. If finally stopped raining enough for us to have a campfire. Sarah and John made it up Friday night.
Saturday was a cloudy day. It rained of and on all day but we still managed to have fun. Several of the guys went out fishing. Rick kept a nice northern for us to take home and eat. Saturday night was steak night for supper, it was delish. Everyone made a side dish to eat for the weekend so we had lots of good food. After supper we had our last campfire for the weekend.
Sunday we got up around 8:00 and got everything packed up. It had rain again during the night so everything was wet so that sucked. We said our goodbyes and were on the road by 10:30. We both wished we could have stayed other day.
When we got home we picked up the dogs from the kennel. They were very happy to see us but seemed to do good there. The woman who runs it loved the dogs and spent time playing with them everyday. We booked a spot for the dogs for when we go to SD in Sept. too.
Yesterday I spend all day cleaning up  the camper and doing laundry. Everything was very wet and dirty after all the rain. I did a deep cleaning of the camper and got it all ready to go for SD. I even got all the bedding washed and packed back in the camper. I also found time to lift.
Today I finally finished the laundry then cleaned the inside of my car. It was so dirty that it was gross. I had not done a good cleaning of it since last fall. I am going to go wash it this afternoon. I am also going to go to the store to get stuff to make the wild rice salad that Diane had up north. It was so good, I ate it every day. And best of all it is a clean eating recipe. It is super nice out today and is going to stay nice for the rest of the week. I would love it if it stayed this cool out for the rest of the summer.
So that is a wrap up of our vacation. I am excited to go up again next year.
Later Sharon

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