Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthday Fun

Richard Marx

At the Richard Marx concert.
Last Thur. it was Christa's 24th Birthday. The girls and I took her out for supper and then we went to the Richard Marx concert. We were in row 3 and it was an acoustic concert. It was in Burnsville so it was in a small venue so Richard Marx talked a lot to everyone. It was pretty  fun. Cassie tried to say she did not know any of his songs but she was singing along with him and somehow knew all the words!
I am very happy with my new camera. It takes really good pictures. I hope to get to know how to use it better this week since I will have lots of time. I go in for my wrist surgery tomorrow at 7:30. I have to be at the hospital at 6:00. Good thing I am use to getting up early.
Rick and I got about half of the  underground electric dog fence in on Sunday. It really sucks because the ground is so hard and our yard is so big! Now that it is raining the rest of it should go in a little easier. I cannot wait to have it done so we do not have to tie Dexter up anymore. He has gotten pretty brave and keeps getting into trouble going into the creek and coming back all muddy. He will not be happy to have the fence up! Speaking of Dexter, last night I had a dream that he was a vampire. It was pretty funny. I kept telling everyone that I just had to train him and he would be fine but everyone had to stay away from him for now because if he bit them they would turn into a vampire too. Good thing it was only a dream!
Rick has been working hard on the kitchen. He has it all taped and did the ceiling last night at 9:00. We are going to paint this afternoon and evening. He hopes to start putting in the cabinets on Wed. afternoon. The stove will be here on Sat. so I hope he is ready for it!
Yesterday and today I have been busy sewing Liam's Halloween costume. It turned out very cute. I had to have him try it on yesterday before I could finish the sleeves and it fit him perfect. He was all smiles when he had it on. But of course he is already putting in his order for next years costume!
I have to go clean up the construction mess now so we can get the cabinets out and lined up to go up. I will try and update on Thur. to let you know how the surgery went.
Later Sharon
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Christa said...

what is a vimpire? I know what a vampire is but not a vimpire!!

Sharon said...

It is a typo