Monday, August 13, 2012


 Oliver enjoying his very first paddle boat ride with Grandpa Rick and Daddy
 Mitch giving Oliver his very first 4-wheeler ride. He cried when it was done because he wanted to keep going!
 Night time on the lake
 Rick was playing with the camera and all the different settings and took a million pictures of the fire. We all laughed at him but some of them are pretty cool looking.
 Linda and Beth
 Oliver wanted to play the ring toss game too and Great-Grandpa had to talk him into giving the ring back.
 Finally he got to play rings!
Rick was having lots of fun playing football with the Slinger boys!

Well we are back home from vacation again. It is so sad to back home and know the next vacation I am going to get is in February when we go to Vegas. I am not even going to get to go to the IA Pro-Am this year because it is my weekend to work. It is a good thing that I had lots of fun this weekend!

We got up to Diane and Rod's around 11:30 on Thru. Christa, Jese and Oliver followed us up so we pulled in together. It was cold and windy when we go there but that was just fine with me. I am totally sick of the hot weather so cold was great! It was in the upper 40's at night so it was soooo nice sleeping.

The rest of the weekend was beautiful. It was sunny and in the low 70's  Everyone played games, went fishing, 4-wheeling and just relaxed. It was Oliver's first camping trip so he was having lots of first. His first night in the tent was a little ruff but after that he was very good. He took all of his naps and slept well at night. We got to meet Jeff's boyfriend CJ, he is very nice and he managed to survive spending the weekend with all of us!

We had some fun nights by the fire. Jese got to celebrate his birthday up there so we all had to stay up to help him celebrate. Everyone got pretty silly.

Rick got to do some fishing, which he was very happy about. The fish were not really biting but he did get enough for us to bring home a meals worth. I did not go fishing at all. I could have a couple of times but I let Jese go so he could get some fishing time in too.

We always have a great time up at Diane and Rod's and next time we go up we need to plan a little bit longer trip. There is so many bike trails in the area that we really want to try but only being there 2 full days there is not enough time. Next time we go up for sure we will have to go at least one more day. Well that is if they will have us.... I was not a good sister and left without saying goodbye to Diane and Linda since they were out on a walk when we left. I am sure I will never hear the end of it since I already got a lecture from Mom about it :(

 We had an uneventful trip home yesterday other then it rained. It was raining lightly when we got home so we had to unpack the camper in the rain. I hate that because then we cannot put it back down until it is all dried out.

It is back to work for me tomorrow. I acutely have to work my full rotation this week. It will probable kill me...

Later Sharon

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