Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mosquito Truck!!!!

The laundry room all done
One of the walls I have taken the wall paper off. The next day I had to remove the glue. It is so much work. I only have 5 more walls to go :( And yes we are going to get rid of the light above the table.
I was so excited last night because the mosquito truck came by and sprayed for mosquito's. I sure hope it helps because they are soooo bad. It sure cannot hurt!
We have been super busy with the house. It is exhausting but well worth it. We have the laundry room done and I have been busy doing laundry every since.
I spent most of my day on Monday taking wallpaper off. It sure sucks! I got the dinning area done and am starting all the hallway. After I got the paper off I then had to go back and remove all the glue. I did that yesterday while I was babysitting Liam and Josie. The of course they were a big help:)
Last night Rick and I took all the old sheet rock off the walls in his archery room and hauled it out. We were going to replace three windows upstairs but now we decided since we have his room down to the blocks we might as well replace that window now. So we are going to do the two windows upstairs in the front of the house and the two windows in the front of the house in the basement. Then we will only have the three windows in the back of the house to do sometime down the road.
It is so nice to have a yard now! Dexter is loving it. He runs all over the place when we are out together.
I have to go to the store today we are out of everything. So I better get going.
Later Sharon Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Christa said...

I wish I could have your laundry room!