Sunday, July 18, 2010

slow but sure

Storage room with new shelves

New lawn mower

I had to work all weekend but Rick was home and busy. On my days off I took all the stuff we had thrown in the storage room out and got it where it belonged. Then on Saturday Rick got some wood and made some shelves for the room. When I got home from work we emptied out the trailer with all the basement stuff and got it into the storage room. In the picture you can only see part of the room, he also has shelves on the other side of the wall that goes under the steps. It nice to finally have everything in the house and out of the trailer. I wanted to get it unpacked so we can give the trailer back to the person who let us use it. After we get the basement done I will have to go through the stuff and take it out of the boxes, but most of it can wait for awhile. It is stuff we don't need often.
Rick also bought us a new lawn mower. The yard is to big for a push mower so we got a rider. It should be nice.
Today is my last day of work and then it is three days off. I hope to get the rest of the wallpaper taken off. I just want it done, I hate looking at it.
We ordered the windows for the front of the house. They will be here in 3 weeks then we can get the basement done.
Rick started to remove the sheetrock and the old shower from the basement bathroom. He ran into some trouble with the shower and how they hooked the plumbing up. Like everything else the old owner did, it was hooked up half-ass. So now he has to do a little more work before we can get the shower out. As soon as the bathroom is done we can start the bathroom upstairs. One room at a time!
I will try and update more often I have been a little slow about it lately. Hopefully on my days off I will have more time.
I hope to get out running or biking again this week. I have not ran since the 4th of July and have not biked for a month. I am getting way out of shape. I did lift twice on my days off.
Later Sharon
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