Oh Thur. evening I went to the Burnsville Performing Arts Center with Kim and Sara and saw the Titanic. I was impressed with the theater. We had really good seats, front and center. And you don't have to pay for parking. The tickets were also a very good price. I will be going back there next time a show comes around I want to see. Before the show we went out to eat at Chianit Grill. It was very good! It sure was nice to have a night off and not do any remodel work all day. I took the whole day off and did all the stuff I have been putting off, like getting my address changed on my drivers license.
Wed. I had to dig out all the hostas in front of the house. Then I dug the fire pit in the back yard. That night my back was so sore I could hardly stand up. And it really did my wrist no good. It has gotten really bad again. I keep putting off calling the doctor to have surgery on it. I just don't have time to be laid up for a week. I have things to do!
Friday the contractors came and dug up the front of the house to fix the footings/blocks that have moved. This should take care of any water problems in the future. They also started on lifting the porch up. They are going to finish on Monday. Sure hope it does not rain so they can get there and get it done. It is such a huge mess with the big pile of dirt in the front yard. While they were working on that I finally got all the wallpaper glue off the walls. The only thing I could not do was the entryway because the contractors were in and out of the house. Speaking of contractors there was a hot, hot, hot one working at the house. I did not even see him until Rick pointed him out to me. Nice of him!!! So I had some eye candy to look at all day.....sure made the day go by faster!!
Rick has been busy getting the bathroom done. He had me help him with put the texture on. Well I tried to help him and after a couple of minutes of me getting it all over me and the floor he took over. I did go back and help him "stamp" the walls for the texture he was doing. It looks really nice. I sure am lucky to have married someone with talent :) Since we could not agree on a color to paint the walls I agreed to let Rick pick one out. Of course then he felt the pressure and could not decide, but I told him he was on his own now! He finally picked one out. He also got a new vanity. So yesterday he took out the old floor and got it all painted. Today he is going to try and get the new floor in and the plumbing in. I hope to have pictures of the finished room by Monday night.
Rick took part in the Waseca Triathlon this morning. He was on a team of 3. He did the biking part, biking 14 miles. He said it was lots of fun and he biked faster and harder then he ever has before. He got asked to be the team just this past week so he did not really have time to train for it. Good thing he is in good shape already. He tells me he took lots of pictures so I will try to post some.
I went for a 4 mile run yesterday after work. It felt good but it sure was hot out!
Later Sharon
1 comment:
you better update again before you go up north!!!
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