We now spend more time at Menards then we do at home. Well not really but it sure seems like it the last few days. We went there Tue. morning to have our kitchen designed. Then of course we had a ton of other stuff we had to get. By the time we got home half the day was gone. I did manage to get one more wall of wallpaper removed. On Wed. morning I got up and went for a run. I know it has been forever! I ran 4 miles. It felt great. Rick and I also went for a 24 mile bike ride on Monday after work. It feels good to exercise again. Moving and remodeling has really messed up my working out.
After running Christa stopped by because she had used my car and need to return it. She brought Kipper with her so he could have a puppy play date with Dexter. Dexter was so sad after Kipper left. Good thing they get to see each other for 4 days when we go up north. Poor Jese cannot go so he gets dog babysitting duty. I finally had to kick Christa out so I could get some work done. I spend 6 hours taking off wallpaper! I now have it all off except on the wall above the steps that I cannot reach. I just have to remove the glue that did not come off now. That goes fast it is just messy.
Thur. morning Rick and I went back to Menards and ordered our cabinets. They will be here in 4 weeks. So now we have lots to get done before they get here. We spent a lot of time looking at floors for the kitchen/dinning area. It is so hard to decide what we want because we know it is going to be a long time before we do it again. I was almost sick picking out the cabinets. I could never build a new house way to many things to decide. After we got home Rick went to work on the basement bathroom. He is doing the plumbing for the shower and is not having any fun. Once he gets that done the rest will be easy. I spend the afternoon paying bills and then I made cupcakes!! I have not made cupcakes in years but Rick wanted them and since he has been working so hard on the house I made them. I even made homemade frosting. After that was done I got supper ready for today because I am working and then I have to pick up Liam and Josie from daycare. Liam is going to be sad that I got all the wallpaper off because he liked to help me and pull it off the walls.
Later Sharon
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