Rick running the 5 mile race on a bad ankle
Ricks' archery room after taking off the wallpaper, lots of work yet to be done.
Laundry room after putting in new plumbing, should be ready for laundry in two days.
Rick getting ready to work on the laundry room
The mess in the garage before we got it all put away
This is Mary, she was my Grandma's and before that my Great-Grandma's. She is mine now and she comes to every house I am in. I figure she will bless our house....
Oh what a weekend we have had! We moved on Wed. and Thur. We went shopping and got a new fridge, 2 new doors and lots of remodeling stuff. Rick has got the laundry room almost ready to go and the sewing room is ready for the floor to be put down tonight. We were going to start to remodel the bathroom upstairs but found that the downstairs bathroom has a major leak behind the shower that has cause some rotten sheet rock. So we are starting with that bathroom. We have lots of work to do but it is going to be so worth it when it is done. We both really like the area we moved to, it is so peace full here.
I almost forgot to say thanks to all of those who helped us move! We really had some great help and could not have done it without everyone of you!!!!
Sat. night was UFC night! Eric and Serena come down to watch it with us. They were our first house guest. It was a fun night with really great fights.
Sunday morning we got up and ran the Waseca Lakes 5 mile run. It rained and was so humid! Rick ran even if he should not have, he sprained his ankle while moving on Wed. and it is still pretty bad. He finished the race in 49:21 coming in 72 place. I finished it in 45:45 coming in 42 place. Amy brought Liam and he ran 1.5 miles of the race with out stopping. That is so good for a 3 year old to run that far!!
After the race on Sunday we got busy again. Well I might have had to take a nap first. Rick got most of the laundry room done. I got most of the sewing room done.
Today Rick is back to work.
Later Sharon
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