Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Poor Poor Puppy.....

Poor, poor Dexter had to go to the vet today. He kept scratching at his ears non-stop so I figured he might have an ear infection. I was right :( he has ear infections in both his ears. It is the first time I have had to take him to the vet for anything other then grooming and his regular shots. He was not happy with the vet. He did okay when she looked in his ears but then when she came back to put the medicine  in he was having none of it. He tried to bite her. She had to call the vet tech in to hold him while she got it in. I am not looking forward to doing it tomorrow. At least it is only once a day and only for 4 more days. He was so sad when we got home. It cost me $111. for this 10 minute visit. It cost me $48.15 just to walk in the door. Who comes up with these prices anyhow. It can't just be $48.00 they have to add the extra .15 cents.

Last night I met Erica and Theresa in Owatonna for supper and a movie. It was great to visit with them again. We do not see enough of each other. We saw Hope Springs. It was a pretty good movie but it was a lot more serious then the previews lead you to believe.

I have been busy building Josie a doll house for Christmas. It is a kit that I got at a garage sale last year for $5.00. I was going to get it made for her last year but never got to it, so this year I started early. I have got it almost all the way done. I have to get some stain for the shingles and then I can get them on and the rest of the trim. After that it will be ready to paint and put flooring in. I think she will love it! I am going to get some dolls and furniture for it too. Now I have to find a place to hide it until Christmas.

I am back working weekends again. As always I am sad to have go work them. I wish I could have every Sunday off. It is my favorite day to just be with Rick and do what ever we want.

I was going to run a race on the 29th of Sept. but we decided to squeeze one more camping trip. We are going to go to Beaver Creek Valley State Park  near Caledonia. It is only 2 hours away and I guess they have lots of hiking trails and lots of trout fishing. It should be a good weekend getaway.

I gave in today and turned my air back on. I was going to try and hold out until tomorrow when it gets to 90 but I drank a caffeinated coffee this morning and it put me into a huge hot flash, so the air came on. It is only suppose to be hot for two days so hopefully we can turn it back off on Friday.

We have had a doe and her three fawns coming up to the house the last few days. Yesterday in the middle of the afternoon they were here. The dogs were going crazy barking and when I went out to stop them the deer were here. They just stood there and looked at me and then slowly walked away. I sure wish I could shoot them.

I guess I better get to the store and get some paint and stain for the doll house.


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