Saturday, September 1, 2012

Random words.....

Today I have some random words to blog about so here gos........

This weekend pretty much SUCKS. I have to work 12 hours today so with drive time that makes it a 14 hour day. I leave at 5:00 in the morning and get home at 7:00 at night. That means when I get home I will eat something for supper, make my lunch for work on Sunday, maybe watch an hour of TV and then off to bed. Then I get to get up at 4:00 and do it all over again. Well I get to have a 10 hour day on Sunday so I guess that is a LITTLE better. It does not happen often that I have to work 12 hours but I sure hate it when it does.

Putting drops in Dexter's ears has not been going well. He HATES it. He runs away as soon as he sees the bottle then when I catch him he does everything he can to get away. We have to pin him down and hold his head so he does not bite us. It is really stressing me out. Last night I only got it in one of his ears and then it was not really in his ear but more like on it :(  I have tried every trick in the book to get them in and nothing works. Thank God we only have one more night of it.  Of course as soon as we are done all is forgiven and he comes running over and JUMPS on my lap like nothing happened. But I feel like I am torturing him. I sure hope he does not get another ear infection and if he does I hope they can give me a pill for him.

Yesterday after work I went for a 3.5 mile run. I was running by the lake and saw a Vote Yes sign for the marriage amendment in someones yard. I was so SAD. I so wanted to just rip the sign out of the ground and stump on it. But I did not because even if I hate it the person has a right to there opinion too. And I would be really MAD if someone took my sign down.  I just cannot get my head around the fact that people are so narrow minded that they think gay people do not have any rights. I get so sick of hearing those people say it is a sin. Really if they think it is such a sin what do they care, how does it HURT them. If as according to them they are committing a sin then that sin is not against them, it is against themselves. Those holier then thou people will still get into heaven even if gay people get married because they did not sin only the gay people did, according to them that is. I just don't get it.......It makes me sad.

I signed up for the Mankato HALF-MARATHON on Friday. I have been putting it off because I was afraid that as soon as I did something would happen and I would not be able to run  it. Well Friday was the last day to sign up without paying another $10.00 so I did it. As soon as I did I got all nervous, I know it is silly but I could not help it. I know I can do it and I know it will not be that bad but I always get nervous about it. But I do it because NOTHING gives me a bigger high then running. I ran  from my house around the lake on Monday, it is 6:67 miles. It went very good. I just RAN it in a nice steady pace, around 10 minute miles. Not super fast but that is okay I just want to finish. I figure if I keep training GOOD I should be able to do it in around a 9 minute pace. I have another 2 months to train.

I am SUPER glad it got cooler out yesterday. I turned the air off as soon as I got home from my run. Rick wanted me to keep in on but I said NOWAY. It was wonderful sleeping weather last night. I hear it might be hot tomorrow again but it is only going to be for one day and I will be at work so WHO cares anyhow....

I have Monday off so I hope I can talk Rick into CLEANING out the garage with me. Amy and Christa want to have a garage sale at our house in Sept. I told them they could but they need to run it. I am working the weekend of City wide garage sales so it is up to them. Amy has TON of baby stuff to get rid of.

I guess that is about enough random WORDS for today.....


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