Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yearly Checkup

Once again it was time for my yearly checkup. So being the responsible person that I am I made my appointment for the checkup and my mammogram. On Thursday I had the mammogram and on Friday I had the yearly checkup. I am happy to say that my mammogram came back clean so at least my boobs are in good shape :)
In the last month I had a couple bouts of severe bloating that have lasted 3-4 days. Now I just figured it was from eating something I should not have and did not think to much about it other then it really hurt. Well I had a bout of it last week and was still feeling it when I went to the Dr. on Friday so I mention it to her. First she said I most likely need to take more fiber, which makes sense to me. Then she pushed on my lower abdomen and it hurt like crazy. So then she decided that I  HAD to have a CT scan to make sure I did not have diverticulitis . She said she wanted to eliminate the possibility of it  before I had my colonoscopy that I get to have since I turned 50 this year. Well of course I said okay since the Dr. knows best. So I had to take off work on Monday and go have the CT scan. Yesterday I got the results back.....yep you guessed it, it came back fine. I am very grateful that I do not have diverticulitis because that is not something I want but I am not happy that I am going to have to pay for 20% of the CT scan to tell me that more then likely I just need to eat more fiber. I am not even mad at the Dr. for ordering it because she is just doing her job and using the tools she has to make the correct diagnosis,  but I just wish it was not going to cost me another $400-$600. 
Next Monday I get to have a Dexa scan, which is a test to measure your bone density. My doctor already warned me that my insurance will more then likely not pay for the test but she really thinks I should have it. I am considered high risk. My orthopedic doctor also wanted me to get it. So I am getting it done.
And lastly there is the colonoscopy. The doctor that does them in Faribault is booked out until November so at least I have a couple of months before that. Maybe by then I will have all the other test paid for.

Well enough of that. We are on going on vacation again. We are going up north to Diane and Rods house on Thur. morning for the weekend. I am looking forward to getting away again, but am very sad that it will my my last vacation until we go to Vegas in Feb. I guess I better take a few months off from vacations so I can build up my vacation time again.

 Saturday was Oliver's 1st birthday party. Here is a picture of him enjoying his very own birthday cupcake! He was a very happy boy and loved all is new toys he got.
 Josie has been growing and growing her hair. She has not had it cut in a long long time as you can see in the picture. She finally told Amy that she wanted it cut now and even tried to do it herself on Saturday. So Amy made her an appointment and had it cut. She had 10 inches cut off and even donated it to Locks of Love. Who would have thought that at 3 years old she would have so much hair. Amy did not have any hair until she was almost 2 years old. She looks super cute in her new hair cut.
 Eli also had his very first hair cut. Amy tells me he sat very still for it, what a good boy :)
I figured I better put up a picture of Liam too so here it is....

So that's it. Have a great weekend everyone and I will update again after my vacation. 
Later Sharon 

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