ITB syndrome (ITBS) is inflammation of the iliotibial band (ITB), the strong band of thick tissue that runs down the outside of the thigh.
So yesterday was such a nice day I decided it was time to run again. After all it has been over a week since I last ran and that went very well. So I was running along just fine, no pain in leg, doing pretty good other then being well out of running shape. So I was pretty excited that I was able to run 3.5 miles with little pain. Got home did some stretching and still felt great. Even went up and down the stairs several time, if you have ITBS you know that stairs really hurt, still no pain. So I went to bed last night happy as can be, thinking that my ITBS was finally going away. So this morning I get up and I was not so happy. My leg had totally tightened up. That is really the only way to explain how it feels. I was so pissed. Now today at work it hurts. So once again I can not run. Well at least for a week. Chirsta said she would run the Turkey day run with me on Thanksgiving. She also said Jese would run it with us because otherwise he would feel left out. ( I am thinking he would rather be left out then run.) So anyhow I have to run a little so I am ready for it.
Today is my last day of work and then I have four days off. I really have no big plans for the weekend. I am going to go hunting on Fri. evening. And on Sat. and Sunday if it is nice out. I do not do cold and rainy!
Well now that I have complained a lot I better get back to work.
Later Sharon
ummm....i am pretty sure i told you not to run to get ready for the race because i am not so if you want to run with me you shouldn't either, plus then you won't be in pain, pretty much you are bring it upon yourself, how does it feel to like to put yourself in pain!!! nut job!
Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières. This means (in Canadian French) "little streams make big rivers" In other words...if you have...say...ITBS..and it's not really bothering you very much...(it's a little problem "a small stream".)because you have been taking care of yourself...and not running...because you shouldn't run...well...say your..(as Christa said it so well..a nut job)and you go out and run....well, the little steam just became a "big river" Life is to short to be in pain..take care of yourself...or self medicate..Sam Adams light works for me.
Hi Sharon, its Nick...for your itband take a tennis ball and roll it down the itband from hip to just above the knee joint. When you find an particular sensitive point(one that causes pain) then hold it on that area for 20-30 sec.
That will relieve the tightness, but also strenthen the quad muscles. Tight itband and weak quad muscles are the primary problem for itband problems.
Strenghten the quad with a basic squat exercise NOT knee extensions...this will wear down the meniscal tissue in the knee and cause further problems. Call me and I will explain further
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