Today I went home sick from work. I started to feel sick yesterday. I have a touch of a cold. I went to bed last night at 8:20 and I think I was sleeping by 8:25. This morning I got up and it felt like I had not slept at all. All I wanted was a slow day at work. But no it was busy! So anyhow I went home at 1:00 after my relief came in. I could have stayed at work but since there was three of us on and I have over 500 hours of sick leave I came home. I figured the rest would do me good. So after I got home I ate some lunch and then did the dishes and then thought will now what do I do. I did not want to just sit and watch t.v. because I knew I would never get back up. So I went in the basement and shot 70 arrows. I have not shot that much since last April. I even shot at a target for the first time with my new hinge release. It went pretty good. Of course I am only shooting at 7 yards. But I am taking it slow. I want to do it right, I am going to have a good year this year. I am really starting to look forward to shooting again. It has been a long time. This is the first time since I started shooting that I did not shot in the summer. It is good to be back. By the way the picture of me is from Jan. 2007. It is with my old bow. I like my new bow much better. Well I guess it is not really new since this will be the 2nd year of shooting it. Well I think it is time to hit the couch.
Later Sharon
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