It is raining out buckets today. But I don't care because I am at work. Today I am leaving work at 1:00 because I have a doctor appointment at 1:30. So I will get home early today!!! I am going to lift when I get home because yesterday I did not because I picked up Liam and then I went and shot my bow so I did not have time. It is almost time for archery to start so I need to get shooting again. I was almost in a fight with Christa today. We almost had to not talk to each other. But we made up and now we are not fighting anymore. Thank goodness because I don't know what I would do if I did not talk to Christa at least 5 times a day. I am pretty sure she called me 10 times on Sunday. Good thing I was able to answer the phone so many times because every time she called it was something really important! Well I guess I better get some work done today at work.
Later Sharon
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