Monday, August 29, 2011

Great Job Waseca Archery Club!

On Saturday the Waseca Archery Club held a benefit shoot for injured solder Jack Zimmerman.  We had a great turn out with around 80 shooter. Everyone in the Waseca Archery Club did a great job putting on the shoot.  It was 3-D in the afternoon and then at 8:30 at night they turned on the lights and shot a 900 round. They got done shooting at 11:45! I left the shoot right after they started shooting because I had to work on Sunday morning. I wish I could have stayed. Rick did not get home until 2:00 in the morning. He stayed and helped clean everything up before he got home. Eric was also down for the shoot so he came to our house to spend the night since it was so late and he had a 2 hour drive home. I was very tired for work on Sunday because when Rick got home I woke up and then was wide awake. I am pretty sure I finally fell asleep again about 5 minutes before my alarm went off.
I got all the trim and doors painted for the bathroom. They look nice and I am glad we decided to do painted trim instead of staining it for the bathroom. Rick got it all up on Saturday morning. We now are able to use the bathroom! The only thing left to do is get the mirror up, get the heat vents on and put up the towel racks. I am going to move everything back into the bathroom on my days off. I will take pictures and post them after I get that done.
Dexter has been going a little nuts the last few days. Not sure what is up with him. Rick said he could not find him on Saturday. He looked everywhere for him, he finally found him in the basement shower hiding behind the shower curtain. He never goes in there! He also has been licking like crazy again. He licks his feet until they are soaked. It is gross. Not sure what is causing his crazy behavior this time. He goes through crazy spells every 6 months or so. Rick claims Dexter is just mimicking me.......
Later Sharon  

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