Friday, August 19, 2011

Days gone by....

I am going to put some old advertising's in frames and use them for decorations in my bathroom. I knew mom had some old magazines because she never throws anything out so I got some from her. She had some Life, Look,  Ladies Home Journal and some bridal magazines from the 1960's. It was so fun looking at them. The ads made me laugh, times sure have changed. It was all about the stay at home mom. The difference in technology is unbelievable. I really loved the car ads, I even found one for the first car Rick ever owned. I just took out some of the ads that caught my eye but I still would like to find some more bathroom product ads. I will have to keep looking for those old magazines!
My days off have been pretty busy. Babysitting Kipper made for a much noisier house.   Kipper likes to bark and once he starts Morgan starts and then Dexter will join in too. I spent most of Tuesday morning yelling at 3 dogs. By afternoon I had them all pretty much in line. Kipper is not use to the noises in our neighborhood, once he got used to them he was much better.
Tuesday I got all of the trim painted for the bathroom. I could not do the door because we don't have it yet. When we went to Menards we forgot to measure the door before we left so we did not know what size to get. Hopefully Rick will be able to get the trim on and the toilet in on Saturday. I am ready for it to be done! I went for a 4 1/4 run on Tuesday afternoon. I was a pretty good run but  I am so slow now.
Wed. we took Kipper back to Christa and Jese. I think he was glad to be home. We also got to visit Oliver again, he is doing good. I the way home we stopped at the DQ for supper. I did good and ordered a chicken salad and a frozen strawberry lemonade.
Yesterday I was busy cleaning the house. It needed a good cleaning so I started in the basement in the morning and then at 11:30 I had to take a break to go get my hair cut and colored. When I got back home it was right back to work. I moved to the upstairs and got everything cleaned. Then I actually made supper for us. It was a clean eating poached chicken and green bean and nectarine salad. You would not think green beans and nectarines would go together but it was really good. After all that I was ready to sit down. So I sat on the couch and got ready to watch Project Runway. All was going good until our stupid cable decided right at the end of the show to stop working. I had a hissy fit.  Thanks goodness Rick got it working so I could see who got kicked off. I cannot wait until our contract is up with Media com in Nov. there cable sucks. We are going to go to Direct TV as soon as we can switch.
Rick has been super busy making bow stings for people. Last night he had 3 people over. One came all the way from Hastings just for strings. Everybody wants to get there bows ready for hunting.
Today I am back to work.
Later Sharon

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