Saturday, May 7, 2011

Perfect Day

Rick trying to get the computer working for his bike

Stopping for lunch

Yesterday was just about as perfect of a day as you can get. I had the day off and Rick only had to work until 10:00, so we packed up the bikes and headed to Cannon Falls. We biked on the Cannon Valley bike trail from Cannon Falls to Red Wing. Once we go to Red Wing we had a picnic lunch and then headed back. We biked  38 miles. It was a perfect day for a  bike ride, no wind and 67 degrees. It was our first long ride of the year so it was good to do it on a bike trail. Much more relaxing then biking on the roads where you have to be watching for the crazy people in cars. Some people just hate it when they see bikes on the road and will just about run you over. After we got back home Rick made use some salmon that was delish. We ate on the deck for the first time. I am glad we decided not to wait and put the deck up last year. It is back to work for me today. It is my last weekend to work and then I will be on my 4 day weekends.I am excited to have my weekends off as always.                    Later Sharon                                                   


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