Friday, May 27, 2011

Bad Tooth

Yesterday one of my crowns fell off. So I called my dentist right away since I know they are not open on Fridays and Monday is a holiday. They told me to come in at 4:15 and he would see me after he was done with all his other patients. So I left work an hour early. Luckily as soon as I walked in the door I got in. The good news was he was able to put the crown back on the bad news is he does not think it is going to stay on. It is the tooth that I had a the root canal done on in 2009. The dentist who did the work left so little of the tooth that the crown has little to be cemented too. I was not very happy with the work that dentist did and that is why I went to the dentist I go to now. He is a great dentist. Anyhow he told me that if the crown falls off again in the next year or two we will have to talk about what we can do with it. He said that since there is already a post in the tooth he may be able to build it up more and make a new crown. He said there other things we can do to. I am guessing he means a tooth implant or a bridge.  None of the choices will be cheap. Since I already have over $15,000.00 invested in my teeth I really hope the crown stays in.
Rick and I went for a great 25 mile bike ride last night. We went on some roads that I have never biked on before. It was a good ride just the right amount of hills. When we got home Rick decided that it would be a good idea to order pizza for supper so we did. It was so delish and now I have leftovers for lunch today. This is my last 4 day weekend off then it is back to working weekends for a month.
Later Sharon

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