Josie making a sad face at me |
Morgan checking out Nick |
The boys getting the fire going |
Liam and Josie finally got to play in the new sand box |
Even with the rain I had a great weekend. Friday night all the kids came over to have a late birthday supper for Amy and I. Rick grilled us chicken and then we had a bonfire. We did not have it for long because it started to rain again.
Saturday I went to the city wide garage sales with Amy and Christa. Once again it was raining but we managed to find some deals. I got some fisher price toys for Liam and Josie to play with when they come here. They are the really old ones with the wood people in them. I also got myself 3 pair of pants and they even fit! When we were done with garage sales Amy wanted to go out to a farm that was selling plants. Well we followed the signs out on gravel roads and they were a mess. With all the rain we have been having they are pretty much a mud roads. I came pretty close to getting stuck several times. My car was a huge mess. But it was all worth it in the end because not only does the women sell plants she sells eggs. And best of all she only charges $1.50 for a dozen. That is a steal for farm fresh eggs.
Sunday WAC had a 3-D shoot. I had never shot a 3-D so I met Rick there and we shot it. It was lots of fun until it started to pour rain on us. We only had 3 targets left to shoot so since we were already wet we just finished it. I was happy to get home and get out of my wet clothes. When Rick got home we went to Menards and picked up our new screen door.
Today is my last day off then it is back to work. I have been busy doing laundry and cleaning up all the mud in the house. With all the rain we are having it seems like there is always mud in the house.
Later Sharon