Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doors, gardens, 3-D and steaks

Rick putting in the new storm door with a doggie door in it.

Dexter and Morgan checking out the new doggie door

The new hosta garden 

This weekend was a great weekend. We got so much done and had time to have lots of fun too. Saturday Rick put in the new storm door that we bought. We got one with a doggie door in it. Dexter and Morgan were not so sure about it at first. We had to force them in and out of it at first. Dexter was the first to figure it out and even went out it this morning without me telling him to. Morgan is still afraid of it. She will come back in the house now but still refuses to go out of the house. I figure in a day or two she will have it down too. On Sunday we went to a 3-D shoot. It was lots of fun and I improved my score by a lot from the last one I shot. When we were done with the shoot we went to Mankato to Menards and finally got our new bathtub. It would not fit in Ricks truck so we are having it delivered tomorrow. Now we need to get working on the bathroom. Neither one of us want to do it but we both want it done. Maybe now that we have the bathtub we will get moving on it. When we got home we decided that we better get the hosta's planted that we got from Amy and Adam. I had killed all the ferns and crap that were in the overgrown garden that was here when we moved it. Round Up did a good job of killing everything off. We planted hosta's, irises and some other plant that Amy gave me in it. We are going to put plastic down and then put rocks down. It already looks so much better then what was there and it is only half done. We should be able to get the rest done this week and then I will put new pictures up. I was lucky and had Monday off too so Rick and I got to spend the whole 3 day weekend together. We both lifted in the morning and then we went to Walmart and Hyvee. Rick made a carrot cake that was suppose to be heather. Of course it is still full of sugar so it is still fattening! But it is super good. We decided that we should end the weekend by cooking up our last buffalo steaks for supper. They were so good. It was a good way to end the weekend. Today I have the day off. I have been busy paying the bills and cleaning the house. I wish I did not have to go back to work tomorrow but I guess if I want to keep paying those bills I will have too.
Later Sharon

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bad Tooth

Yesterday one of my crowns fell off. So I called my dentist right away since I know they are not open on Fridays and Monday is a holiday. They told me to come in at 4:15 and he would see me after he was done with all his other patients. So I left work an hour early. Luckily as soon as I walked in the door I got in. The good news was he was able to put the crown back on the bad news is he does not think it is going to stay on. It is the tooth that I had a the root canal done on in 2009. The dentist who did the work left so little of the tooth that the crown has little to be cemented too. I was not very happy with the work that dentist did and that is why I went to the dentist I go to now. He is a great dentist. Anyhow he told me that if the crown falls off again in the next year or two we will have to talk about what we can do with it. He said that since there is already a post in the tooth he may be able to build it up more and make a new crown. He said there other things we can do to. I am guessing he means a tooth implant or a bridge.  None of the choices will be cheap. Since I already have over $15,000.00 invested in my teeth I really hope the crown stays in.
Rick and I went for a great 25 mile bike ride last night. We went on some roads that I have never biked on before. It was a good ride just the right amount of hills. When we got home Rick decided that it would be a good idea to order pizza for supper so we did. It was so delish and now I have leftovers for lunch today. This is my last 4 day weekend off then it is back to working weekends for a month.
Later Sharon

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Soapbox Day

Today I am going to get on my soapbox and rant a little.
I am so pissed at the government of MN for trying to put a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages on the 2012 ballot. What is the wrong with these people! There are so many more issues that need to be dealt with and they waste time on this! What about the state budget!!!! Do you think just maybe there is more important  issues out there that need to be taken care of. It makes me sick to think that a bunch of narrow minded  Legislatures have done this. Really what good is going to do. Why do they care if gay people get married. Who are they to say that is right or wrong. I get so tired of people saying that the bible says it is sinful. You can interpret the bible in anyway you want and twist and turn it so it seems to say what you want it to say. GIVE ME A BREAK! What can be sinful  about being in a loving relationship with two consenting adults. And look around you, straight people have not done such a bang up job on marriage.  It seems to me that the people who are most worried about gay marriage are the ones who are not in touch with there own sexuality. Just what are they afraid of anyhow! The Governor of MN said it best when he symbolically vetoed the move to put a constitutional ban on same -sex marriage on the 2012 ballot. He said "I urge Minnesotans to reject this mean-spirited, divisive, un-Minnesotan and un-American amendment." I can only hope that the people of MN do the right thing in 2012 and vote NO on the amendment.
Okay I am off my soapbox now.
Later Sharon

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Naughty Puppy

Yesterday I changed the sheets on our bed and could not find one of the pillow cases. I finally gave in and put on a miss matched one. Well today Rick called me at work and said I hope you were not to fond of those sheets. When I asked why he told me Morgan decided today would be a good day to rip them up. I don't mean just unmake the bed....she ripped a big hole in the bottom sheet. I was not very happy. The good news in all of this is when I came home tonight and went to change the sheets again I found my missing pillow case folded in between the new sheets. So I guess I can thank naughty Morgan for that.
Later Sharon

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain, rain and more rain

Josie making a sad face at me

Morgan checking  out Nick 

The boys getting the fire going

Liam and Josie finally got to play in the new sand box 

Even with the rain I had a great weekend. Friday night all the kids came over to have a late  birthday supper for Amy and I. Rick grilled us chicken and then we had a bonfire. We did not have it for long because it started to rain again.
Saturday I went to the city wide garage sales with Amy and Christa. Once again it was raining but we managed to find some deals. I got some fisher price toys for Liam and Josie to play with when they come here. They are the really old ones with the wood people in them. I also got myself 3 pair of pants and they even fit! When we were done with garage sales Amy wanted to go out to a farm that was selling plants. Well we followed the signs out on gravel roads and they were a mess. With all the rain we have been having they are pretty much a mud roads. I came pretty close to getting stuck several times. My car was a huge mess. But it was all worth it in the end because not only does the women sell plants she sells eggs. And best of all she only charges $1.50 for a dozen. That is a steal for farm fresh eggs.
Sunday WAC had a 3-D shoot. I had never shot a 3-D so I met Rick there and we shot it. It was lots of fun until it started to pour rain on us. We only had 3 targets left to shoot so since we were already wet we just finished it. I was happy to get home and get out of my wet clothes. When Rick got home we went to Menards and picked up our new screen door.
Today is my last day off then it is back to work. I have been busy doing laundry and cleaning up all the mud in the house. With all the rain we are having it seems like there is always mud in the house.
Later Sharon

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bike pedal clips

On Tuesday night Rick and I went for a 22 mile bike ride. When we got back into town we decided to bike around the lake on the bike trail.  I was  ahead of Rick and when I turned around to see where he was I ran myself right off the bike trail and into the grass. I so lucky that I was able to stay upright and not go  into the ditch. It is a lot harder then you would think when you are clipped into your pedals. When I first got my road bike I pretty much had to learn how to ride a bike again. It is way different then the bikes I grew up riding. The biggest thing to learn is how to get in and out of those clips. The first time I did it I had Rick and my neighbor holding the bike up while I practiced getting in and out. Then I finally had to take off. I was pretty nervous but managed to not fall over when I had to stop and get out of them. So after almost 4 years the closest I have come to falling was yesterday. Just about everyone I know that rides a road bike has fallen at least once so I count myself very luck. I hope my luck holds out!
Later Sharon

Monday, May 16, 2011

new washer, bathroom remodel, baby shower

The 1974 blue toilet and blue bathtub that came with the house. I am glad to see them go!

Christa and Avis at the baby shower. The baby quilt was made by Jese's great-great grandma

Since it was my weekend off it rained most of it again, but I still managed to have a good weekend. Friday Rick had an early day at work so we went to Mankato to get a few things and look for a washer. We got a Samsung washer from Lowes. It will not be in until next Friday but that is okay since I got all my wash done for the week already. Saturday I finished moving all of the stuff out of the upstairs bathroom to the downstairs bathroom. When I was done with that we stated gutting it. Rick did most of the work, I just hauled stuff out. The biggest part of the gutting was getting the cast iron bathtub out. Adam came over and helped Rick get it out. It was not an easy thing to do since it weighted over 300 pounds. But they did a good job and got it out without scratching up the floor or throwing there backs  out  while moving it! We are taking all the sheetrock off and then we are going to have a plumber come over and give us an estimate.  We want to move the bathtub to a different spot in the bathroom but we are thinking it is going to cost way to much for the plumbing work. So we will have to wait to hear what he says before we move on with the project. I will be glad when it is done! Sunday Amy and Cassie had a baby shower for Christa. We had it at the church and since the church is locked up they give you a code to open the door. Well we got there to open up and the code did not work. I called Rick and he called around and finally got a hold of someone with a key to let us in. After that everything went good. Cassie and Amy did a good job. While I was at the shower Rick fought the wind and went for a 29 mile bike ride. He asked me if he should wait for me but I told him no way. I am to much of a biking baby to bike in 15-17 mile winds. Last night I did not sleep very good so I think it is going to be a long day at work. Later Sharon

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I guess summer is here......

The sandbox Rick made for Liam and Josie. I wanted to play in it!

My flowers finally bloomed

Morgan and Dexter

Summer is here! Poor Dexter hates the heat, he cannot take it. He hates the storms even more. Rick said on Monday morning when it stormed Dexter was so scared. When Rick went to leave for work Dexter ran out the door and jumped into Ricks truck. He did not want Rick to leave him. Rick did a good job on the sandbox for Liam and Josie. Liam is going to be so excited to see it. He has been asking for one since we moved in the house. To bad it is going to be raining on Thur. when I am going to babysit them. Yesterday at work I had to write a huge report. After I got done with it I went to save it and it disappeared. I was so mad. I had to type the whole thing over. When Rick and I were biking the other day a snake was on the trail. I was biking past it and it turned right into my tire. I of course screamed like a baby and tried to lift my feet up, only you cannot lift your feet up when you are clipped into the pedals. Rick thought it was pretty funny. One day of work then it is my four day weekend! Later Sharon


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Perfect Day

Rick trying to get the computer working for his bike

Stopping for lunch

Yesterday was just about as perfect of a day as you can get. I had the day off and Rick only had to work until 10:00, so we packed up the bikes and headed to Cannon Falls. We biked on the Cannon Valley bike trail from Cannon Falls to Red Wing. Once we go to Red Wing we had a picnic lunch and then headed back. We biked  38 miles. It was a perfect day for a  bike ride, no wind and 67 degrees. It was our first long ride of the year so it was good to do it on a bike trail. Much more relaxing then biking on the roads where you have to be watching for the crazy people in cars. Some people just hate it when they see bikes on the road and will just about run you over. After we got back home Rick made use some salmon that was delish. We ate on the deck for the first time. I am glad we decided not to wait and put the deck up last year. It is back to work for me today. It is my last weekend to work and then I will be on my 4 day weekends.I am excited to have my weekends off as always.                    Later Sharon                                                   


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Held Hostage

These are my ice skates. They have been held hostage for the last 5 years and yesterday were finally released. I know they do not look like much but they were the very first pair of skates that I ever owned and I used them for years and years. I can still fit into them but moved onto another pair (that were also released yesterday) when these got worn out. I  was very happy to have both of them back. When I was growing up skating was a huge part of my winters. Every year my dad would clear the pond off for us so we could have an iceskating rink. We spent many, many days skating there. Then when I got older I used to bring my ice skates to school and go skating in the city ice rinks. Even after I had kids I use to go ice skating with them. I  guess it is one of those things you never forget how to do. So now I am happy to have my ice skates back so maybe next winter I can go ice skating with my grandchildren!

Yesterday Christa, Amy and I went to Mankato to do a little shopping. I wanted to try and find something to wear to Christa's baby shower next weekend. I did not have much luck finding anything but we still had fun. We went out for lunch at Applebees and I had a delish shrimp salad. When I got home I lifted and started laundry.
Today I am going to  finish laundry and if the weather holds Rick and I might go for a bike ride. I am looking forward to a nice and sunny day tomorrow.
Later Sharon

Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day

Yesterday the neighbors came over with a May Basket for us. I was at work but Rick said the kids were all excited to be handing them out to the neighbors. I was a fun thing for them to do.  Poor Rick has pulled the muscle away from his ribs on his left side. He is in lots of pain from it. He has no idea what he did to cause it. The doctor said he just has to let it heal. Not sure how he is going to work today.
Everyone including me sure is sick of this weather. It was so cold yesterday, but at least it was not raining again. It looks like we might actually have a couple of days of sunshine. It has been the longest 5 day rotation at work this week and I still have one more day to go. It was so dead at work the phone hardly rang. Of course I guess I should not complain about that. 
I stated reading a new series of book called A song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. The first book in the series  is called A game of Thornes. It is really good. If you like the Lord of the Rings you will like these books. I found out about them because HBO made a mini-series about the first book that we started watching. Once I found out it was a book I had to read it. Of course now I know everything that is going to happen before I see but it is still fun to watch the show. They are actually following the book pretty good. 
I was glad to hear the news this morning that they finally killed Osama bin Laden after almost 10 years. 
Later Sharon