Cassie working on her mosaic |
Me working on my mosaic |
My finished project...I never said I was much of an artist!
So today Cassie and I went to a mosaic class. I am not much of an artist so mine is pretty simple, but it was fun to do and to spend the afternoon with Cassie.
On my way to Cassie's I was driving along and had my cruse set at 61 in a 55. Now I know that is 6 miles over the limit but I was going with traffic. Well a car passed me and as he passed me I saw a cop at the side of the road. I did not think much of it since that car was going much faster then me. Well the cop pulled me over! I was pissed. So he giving me a ticket and telling me that he is going to give me a deal and put down that I was only going 65 since I was clocked at 68. I knew I was not going 68, I never speed that fast in a 55 and I know my cruse is not off by 7 mile per hour. So I asked him how fast the car in front of me was going since I had my cruse set at 61 when the person passed me. He started to back down right away and said oh he was looking down at his radar and did not realize that the car had passed me he just saw on his radar that one car was going 60, that would be me, and the other car was going 68. He apologises and then says he will take the ticket back. Now I am happy he took the ticket back since I was not going 68 but really how can he even write a ticket out without even seeing the car. Does not seem like very good police work to me. I guess that would explain why he is working in Montgomery.......
Later Sharon
1 comment:
Maybe next time you just shouldn't speed, then you defiantly wouldn't get pulled over!
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