Friday, March 4, 2011

sick days

I have not had a very good week. I started feeling sick on Sunday and have gone down hill every since. I had 3 days off of work and pretty much did nothing but sit on the couch and watch tv and sleep. I was suppose to work today but there was no way that was going to happen so I called in sick. Last night the side of my face started throbbing so I figured I had a sinus infection. So I went to the doctor today and I was right. She said I cannot work until Monday. Also while I was there they checked my pluse and I guess it was a little high. It was kind of funny the nurse checked it 3 times and then she said it was a little high. Then the doctor came in and the first thing she did is check it again. It was 116. It should be around 70 or so. She figures it is just from the cold medicine I have been taking and that I was a little dehydrated. But she still made go have a EKG and now I have to go back again next week.
So I get done at the doctor and go to Walmart to pick up my drugs. Of course they don't have them ready. She said they would be done in about 15-20 minutes. I told her that was fine that I would come back. So I went back 45 minutes later and they are still not done! She then tells me that they will be closing for lunch and will not have them done before then. I was pretty pissed. Now I have to go back there again and all I want to do is get under a blanket and stay there. Good news is I got someone to work for me so the other people working don't have to work 12 hours shifts to cover me. I hate to do that to my co workers it sucks to work 12 hours.
That is enough about my never ending sickness.....
Later Sharon

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