Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let's try one more time

Front of house

Back of house

View from the back of the house

Okay we are going to try again. We have put a purchase agreement on another house. We have had the inspection done and everything is a go. The banks assessor is going to the house on Thur. and then we close on June 15. We cannot get into the house until July 1 so we are asking the people who bought our house if we can stay in it until July 1. If not then I guess we will be homeless for two weeks. The house is in town. It is the last house on a dead end street in a very nice neighborhood. We will never have anyone build on the side or the back of the house as it is all swamp land. When we were there for the inspection it was so peaceful. I am excited to move. It needs some updating in the inside. They have wallpaper all over the house so that sucks. I hate taking wallpaper off. We are going to put new cabinets in the kitchen and gut the upstairs bathroom. It has a blue toilet and tub in it, I know pretty but just not by thing :) The basement is finished but will need new carpet. So we will have a little work to do when we move in but when it is done it will be a great house. So lets hope that the 4th time is the charm and everything goes through. Everyone cross your fingers!!!
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