Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Always keep your expectations higher than your reality. And the reality of your life will be sure to follow." -Ralph Marston

I am enjoying the beautiful weather. It is so nice to have good weather on my days off. We got good news. Someone bought our house! We are closing on June 15. So now I have to start packing. I want to move I just don't want to pack!
Yesterday I went for a run around the lake, it went good. I am still having trouble with my bronchitis. I have good days and bad, Sunday was really a bad day. I spent all day coughing and I had to use my inhaler twice. I also have trouble catching my breath when I run. It takes me forever to recover from running. But if I am going to run the Grandma's half marathon in a month I need to run. I am just going to run it for the fun of it and not even worry about my time other then the need to stay under the 3 hour limit. That should not be a problem. I have not put the training in that I need to because I have been sick for the last 3 weeks. Stupid bronchitis!!!
Today I got Liam and Josie at 1:00. Liam was here for less then an hour and peed in his pants twice. After that he went down for a nap. He has not done that to me in a really long time.
I am suppose to packing now and not on the computer so I guess I better go.
Later Sharon

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