I love Six Feet Under. We have been watching it this winter and are down to season 5, the last season. It is a really good show.
We have had a busy week. We have decided to put our house up for sale! Rick was out biking last week and saw a house in the country that he liked so we decided to take a look at it. We were all set to buy it and even put an offer on it. But the hooker real estate agent who has it listed told our agent that she could not get a hold of the owner because he is out of state. She also said that she had no other offers on the house at this time. Well two days later our agent called her and all of the sudden she had an other offer that was more then ours. Our agent was pissed. What she did was hold our offer and call up whoever she had been showing the house to and told them they better put in a offer that topped ours if they wanted the house. That way she got all of the commission for the sale of the house. She never even showed the owner of the house our offer. I was pretty mad. But the good thing about all this is we found another house that we like even better! It is 5 miles out of town and is perfect for us. It even has a chicken coop! So we are going to put an offer on it. We will have to sell our house first even if they take our offer. So everyone cross there fingers that they take the offer and we sell our house fast!!! We put it on the market on Thur. and they have showed twice already. Of course that means nothing but it makes me feel good that they are showing it already. I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up because I know the housing market really sucks now. I just hope the right person comes along and fast.
I had to work all weekend. I am ready to be done today. It has been a long day. I have to work Monday and then I have 3 days off. I have not big plans other then I would like to get the lawn raked. It looks pretty bad after the long winter. It is going to be nice out so I should be able to get it done.
I guess that is it for the day. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
Later Sharon
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