Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dequervain's Tenosynouitis

So I have Dequervain's in my left wrist. I had it in my right wrist last year and had surgery on it and that wrist is much better. My left wrist was bad last year also but got better after a summer of doing nothing. Well as soon as I started shooting again it started to act up. It has really gotten bad the last few weeks. So today I went to the Ortho Doctor and had him give me a steroid shot in it. I really hope it works this time. Last year it did no good on my right wrist. But since I have only a couple of weeks left of archery I wanted to give it a try again. The doctor was ready to just do the surgery since it went so good last year. I wanted to give the shot a try first. He upped the dosage of it in hopes that it would work. If not I will have the surgery then it will be good forever. So when you get a steroid shot in your wrist the shot itself does not hurt. But within 15 minutes it really hurts. I can hardly move my wrist right now. If it is going to work it should feel better within a couple of days.
I have not been up to much else. I had to work the weekend. It was super slow at work because the students are gone for spring break. They come back this weekend so it will be busy for me for awhile again.
I babysat Liam and Josie yesterday. They were both very good. Josie knows where I keep the snacks so now she is always in the kitchen trying to get them and if I am in there she sits on the floor and looks up at me with those big brown eyes and says snack, snack. So of course I have to give in and give her something. That is what Nana's are for.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk. He is driving me nuts trying to get me to take him. Now that it is nice out he wants to be out too.
I may have some really big news to tell you in the next couple of days. But it will have to wait until next time......
Later Sharon

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