Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's my birthday!
Today is my 48th birthday! I am getting soooo old. Only two more years and I will be the big 50. Since it was my birthday Rick brought me a huge cream filled donut, so I ate it for breakfast. Then I went and had my hair cut and colored. After that I had to go to Amy's house because Liam made me a birthday cake, with a little help from Christa. It was very good. You can see by the pictures that Liam and Josie loved it. When I got home from there I had to clean the house because they are showing it tonight at 5:15 and then again on Thur. at 10:30. I sure hope one of the people want to buy it! I also raked the lawn today. It really needed it. Tonight we have our pizza party for the end of WAC archery league. It has been a good birthday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010

I love Six Feet Under. We have been watching it this winter and are down to season 5, the last season. It is a really good show.
We have had a busy week. We have decided to put our house up for sale! Rick was out biking last week and saw a house in the country that he liked so we decided to take a look at it. We were all set to buy it and even put an offer on it. But the hooker real estate agent who has it listed told our agent that she could not get a hold of the owner because he is out of state. She also said that she had no other offers on the house at this time. Well two days later our agent called her and all of the sudden she had an other offer that was more then ours. Our agent was pissed. What she did was hold our offer and call up whoever she had been showing the house to and told them they better put in a offer that topped ours if they wanted the house. That way she got all of the commission for the sale of the house. She never even showed the owner of the house our offer. I was pretty mad. But the good thing about all this is we found another house that we like even better! It is 5 miles out of town and is perfect for us. It even has a chicken coop! So we are going to put an offer on it. We will have to sell our house first even if they take our offer. So everyone cross there fingers that they take the offer and we sell our house fast!!! We put it on the market on Thur. and they have showed twice already. Of course that means nothing but it makes me feel good that they are showing it already. I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up because I know the housing market really sucks now. I just hope the right person comes along and fast.
I had to work all weekend. I am ready to be done today. It has been a long day. I have to work Monday and then I have 3 days off. I have not big plans other then I would like to get the lawn raked. It looks pretty bad after the long winter. It is going to be nice out so I should be able to get it done.
I guess that is it for the day. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
Later Sharon
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dequervain's Tenosynouitis
So I have Dequervain's in my left wrist. I had it in my right wrist last year and had surgery on it and that wrist is much better. My left wrist was bad last year also but got better after a summer of doing nothing. Well as soon as I started shooting again it started to act up. It has really gotten bad the last few weeks. So today I went to the Ortho Doctor and had him give me a steroid shot in it. I really hope it works this time. Last year it did no good on my right wrist. But since I have only a couple of weeks left of archery I wanted to give it a try again. The doctor was ready to just do the surgery since it went so good last year. I wanted to give the shot a try first. He upped the dosage of it in hopes that it would work. If not I will have the surgery then it will be good forever. So when you get a steroid shot in your wrist the shot itself does not hurt. But within 15 minutes it really hurts. I can hardly move my wrist right now. If it is going to work it should feel better within a couple of days.
I have not been up to much else. I had to work the weekend. It was super slow at work because the students are gone for spring break. They come back this weekend so it will be busy for me for awhile again.
I babysat Liam and Josie yesterday. They were both very good. Josie knows where I keep the snacks so now she is always in the kitchen trying to get them and if I am in there she sits on the floor and looks up at me with those big brown eyes and says snack, snack. So of course I have to give in and give her something. That is what Nana's are for.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk. He is driving me nuts trying to get me to take him. Now that it is nice out he wants to be out too.
I may have some really big news to tell you in the next couple of days. But it will have to wait until next time......
Later Sharon
I have not been up to much else. I had to work the weekend. It was super slow at work because the students are gone for spring break. They come back this weekend so it will be busy for me for awhile again.
I babysat Liam and Josie yesterday. They were both very good. Josie knows where I keep the snacks so now she is always in the kitchen trying to get them and if I am in there she sits on the floor and looks up at me with those big brown eyes and says snack, snack. So of course I have to give in and give her something. That is what Nana's are for.
I am going to go take Dexter for a walk. He is driving me nuts trying to get me to take him. Now that it is nice out he wants to be out too.
I may have some really big news to tell you in the next couple of days. But it will have to wait until next time......
Later Sharon
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
spring is here!

I went to the movie Dear John with Erica and Jodi on Sunday. It was a pretty good movie. I have been a cooking machine lately. I think it is because I am finally sick of eating crap. I even made supper on Sat. after work. I never like to cook after working all day. Yesterday I made some cookies that Rick was going to make but did not have time to. So last night he made some clean eating carrot cake. It is so good.
Sunday while I was at the movie Rick put in a new toilet. It is nice to have a toilet that you know is going to flush ever time you use it! He spent all afternoon doing it. Our old one sucked big time. Poor Rick, he hates doing plumbing and it did not go well. But once it was in it work great.
Today I am babysitting Liam and Josie.
League tonight and then work tomorrow.
Later Sharon
Friday, March 12, 2010
So much to do......
I am going to be so busy in the next couple of weeks. I have a lot of fun things coming up that I am really looking forward to. This Sunday I am going to a movie with Erica and Jodi. Then on the 27th I am going to the Pantages Theater to see Court Yard Hounds with Sara and Kim. They are the Dixie Chicks minus one of the singers. They sound really good and I am very excited to go see them. We got tickets in the 6th row from the stage. I have never sat that close for a concert before. Next is Bon Jovi on April 7th. Cassie and I are going. We have seats way up high in the nose bleed section for this concert. After that it the MSSA State Archery shoot in Bemidji on April 10-11. The following weekend on the 17th we have the FAC end of the year party. After all that is done I should have a free weekend!
I have not been up to a whole lot this week. I babysat on Tue. Josie was so crabby in the morning! She took a nice long nap in the afternoon and woke up much happier. Tue and Thur night I had league. Shooting is finally going better. I have been shooting at 10 yards in the basement and that has helped a ton. The new cams for my bow should be in soon. I wish they would get here so I can stop shooting my hunting bow. I would hate to have to shoot my hunting bow at State.
My boss has been gone all week so I have been all alone at work most of the day. It has been super boring because the students are studying for finals. They leave for spring break on Tue. They are only gone for just over a week.
I am really glad the snow is finally melting. We can see are roof again for the first time since Dec. It had 2 feet of snow on it all winter. Of course now that the snow is melting I can also see a winters worth of dog poop all over the lawn. I will have to go clean it up when it stops raining.
I think it is time for me to go do some work at work.
Later Sharon
I have not been up to a whole lot this week. I babysat on Tue. Josie was so crabby in the morning! She took a nice long nap in the afternoon and woke up much happier. Tue and Thur night I had league. Shooting is finally going better. I have been shooting at 10 yards in the basement and that has helped a ton. The new cams for my bow should be in soon. I wish they would get here so I can stop shooting my hunting bow. I would hate to have to shoot my hunting bow at State.
My boss has been gone all week so I have been all alone at work most of the day. It has been super boring because the students are studying for finals. They leave for spring break on Tue. They are only gone for just over a week.
I am really glad the snow is finally melting. We can see are roof again for the first time since Dec. It had 2 feet of snow on it all winter. Of course now that the snow is melting I can also see a winters worth of dog poop all over the lawn. I will have to go clean it up when it stops raining.
I think it is time for me to go do some work at work.
Later Sharon
Monday, March 8, 2010
Great Weekend!
Cassie and Jese
My kid bowling shoes
Christa the pro-bowler
What the adult bowling shoes look like!
First I have to start out by telling you about the ice cream I bought. So we were at the store last week and I see this ice cream called Cow Tracks. It is mint ice cream with chocolate chunks shaped like cows. I thought Oh Liam would love that. So I bought it for him since he was coming over the next day. Well he came over but slept almost the whole time he was here. So you guessed it. I have been eating the ice cream all by myself all week. I ate it all! Needless to say I will not be buying that again. It is way too good!
So on to the weekend. Sat. I got up early and Amy came to pick me up and then we got Christa and we went to the MOA to find a dress for Christa to wear to her dads wedding. We found her a super cute dress at the first store we went to. Amy and Christa also got some really cute shoes. I really wanted them too but I had no reason to get them so I did not give in. I did get myself some cute sandals for this summer for only $24. I LOVE shoes!
I got back to town around 4:30, just enough time to get ready for the night. All the kids and my mom and dad and Ricks mom all come to Waseca to celebrate our wedding. We went to the Star Fire Grill and then we went bowling. It was a ton of fun! I have been bowling in years. I really sucked. Of course it is okay because Christa sucked even worse then me! It was a really great day!
Sunday I went up to Coon Rapids to watch Rick shoot in the MAA State shoot. It is a two day shoot. On Sat. he shot a perfect game 300 60X. On Sunday he shot a 300 58X. He was tied for first so he had to have a shoot-off. It was fun to watch. He lost on the second end of the shoot-off so he got second. He did a great job under A LOT of pressure.
Today has also been a pretty good day. I went in and had my taxes done and found out that I am getting $2324. back. After I got home I cleaned the bedroom and office, did laundry, ran 2.5 miles, walked the dog and then gave him a bath. Lastly I made supper. Now it is time for a movie.
Later Sharon
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Big Money
So I got my big money from the NFAA yesterday for getting 6th place in the 19th flight in Vegas. Maybe next year I will make it up a few flights again. I looked at my scores from 2009 and I was about 15 points lower this year. I have to go back next year to redeem myself. I have finally started working on my target panic like I should have in the beginning of the year. Last night went much better at league. I shot a 295 30X. My best score since Jan. I was very happy with how it went. The regional scores came out today. I did not make the championship flight but I am in second place in the 1st flight. I only missed 1st place by 2x. So the good news about being in the 1st flight is that I should do good and maybe even place. I also get to shoot at 9:00 in the morning. I like that because then I can relax and enjoy the rest of the day watch everyone else shoot.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
OH NO!!!!

Amy, Christa and I got into the Grandma's half-marathon again! I cannot believe it. So many people have told me that they have tried for years and can never get in. I never thought we would get in again. Now I am going to have to get my lazy butt out there and start running. Cassie is running the marathon so at least I know I will be done before she comes in! I went to book our camp sites at the camp grounds we always stay at and they were almost booked up already. Good thing I did not wait any longer. The hookers also raised there rates.
That is all I know today.
Monday, March 1, 2010
I just came from the dentist and my mouth really hurts! I had my two crowns put on and had a small filling filled. The filling was on the bottom of one of my teeth that is already crowned. It was mostly below the gum line. So it hurts like hell now! No fun at all. The two crowns look really good, I am happy with them and the dentist. He seems to do a good job.
I had a nice and relaxing weekend. Friday I babysat Liam and Josie. Liam was sick so he took a nice long nap for me. I felt bad for him, he was loosing his voice.
Sat. I slept in until almost 9:00. It was nice. Then I went for a run on the treadmill. I have a lot of work to do to get back in shape. After that I went down to the archery club because they were having a shoot. I thought I would go have lunch there but when I got there they were out of food. So Rick and I went to the pizza ranch for lunch. Then I got my bow and we both went down to shoot for a while. Saturday night we just watch some TV and a movie.
Sunday I again slept in until almost 9:00. Rick went over to Faribo to shoot but I did not because I had to babysit for a couple of hours. Before the kids got here I lifted. I sure felt good to lift again, maybe there really is hope for me getting back into shape. Once Liam and Josie got here they were both ready for a nap. So they both went to bed and Josie woke up right before Adam got here and Liam was still sleeping. It was a pretty easy day of babysitting.
Today I got up and ran OUTSIDE. I was not going to because it is soooo icy out, but it was such a nice day out I just had to. I ran about 2-2.5 miles. It felt so good. It is funny how running outside for the first time really makes you feel motivated. Well that and the fact that Cassie is going to kick my ass for the first time ever in races this summer. She has been training all winter and is doing so good. Oh to be young and healthy!!! Before I went to the dentist I went tanning for the last time. I sure hope I am able to keep a little bit of my tan for shorts season. It would be nice to have legs that are not as white as the snow.
I am going to go shoot for a while in the basement now.
Later Sharon
I had a nice and relaxing weekend. Friday I babysat Liam and Josie. Liam was sick so he took a nice long nap for me. I felt bad for him, he was loosing his voice.
Sat. I slept in until almost 9:00. It was nice. Then I went for a run on the treadmill. I have a lot of work to do to get back in shape. After that I went down to the archery club because they were having a shoot. I thought I would go have lunch there but when I got there they were out of food. So Rick and I went to the pizza ranch for lunch. Then I got my bow and we both went down to shoot for a while. Saturday night we just watch some TV and a movie.
Sunday I again slept in until almost 9:00. Rick went over to Faribo to shoot but I did not because I had to babysit for a couple of hours. Before the kids got here I lifted. I sure felt good to lift again, maybe there really is hope for me getting back into shape. Once Liam and Josie got here they were both ready for a nap. So they both went to bed and Josie woke up right before Adam got here and Liam was still sleeping. It was a pretty easy day of babysitting.
Today I got up and ran OUTSIDE. I was not going to because it is soooo icy out, but it was such a nice day out I just had to. I ran about 2-2.5 miles. It felt so good. It is funny how running outside for the first time really makes you feel motivated. Well that and the fact that Cassie is going to kick my ass for the first time ever in races this summer. She has been training all winter and is doing so good. Oh to be young and healthy!!! Before I went to the dentist I went tanning for the last time. I sure hope I am able to keep a little bit of my tan for shorts season. It would be nice to have legs that are not as white as the snow.
I am going to go shoot for a while in the basement now.
Later Sharon
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