Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
I am glad that it looks like we are going to have a white Christmas. I like the snow. Well I like it as long as don't have to drive in it at 5:00 A. M. I had a great weekend. Wicked was great. I am really glad that we went. MOA weekend was lots of fun too. We went to Four Christmases on Fri. night. It was pretty funny. Sat. we were at the MOA from 10:00 in the morning until 9:00 at night. It was not to busy up there. Sunday we went to Ikea and then stopped at Cassie's house to get her old Christmas tree for Nichole and then were home by 2:00. After I got home I got all my Christmas gifts wrapped and under the tree. I am pretty much done shopping now. Last night Rick came over to watch a movie and we ordered pizza for supper. I did not sleep very well last night I don't know why because I was tired from the big weekend. I suppose it is because I knew I had to go to work today and did not want to. Amy was good to me and did not have the new baby this weekend while I was gone. I told it is ok now she can stop holding it in and go ahead and have it. I am now ready. Somehow I don't think she cares about that though!Later Sharon
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